Karan Sharma

Digital Marketing Manager at MajesTECH Technical Services Pvt Ltd.
Marketing Analyst at Social Cloud Ventures Pvt Ltd.

How students have rated Karan Sharma?
Knowledgeable about the subject8/10
Used visual materials/examples effectively9/10
Interest in sharing information and knowledge9/10
Open for queries and doubts 9/10
No. of students trained?

3243+ professionals at DSIM

650+ MBA Students

1200+ As Public Speaker

No. of students trained?

Since 7th March 2011

What trainees say about Karan Sharma?

Thorough knowledge about subject. Maintaining momentum for the training. Open for queries and doubts.

Strong Communication. Great interactive skills. Strong knowledge & pleasant personality.

Open to queries and helpful. -

Never thought website creation is so easy. Thanks to Karan, who helped me to create website and told me some of the great plugins, which are really helpful for me. -

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