At present when the advancing technology and digital marketing has brought a revolution in how you do marketing whether you are a marketer or a consumer. Digital marketing helps you reach targeted audience in limited budget and has a lot of attributes that traditional marketing will never be able to provide you. Lets us go ahead and discuss the challenges that you usually face while marketing your business and resolutions to them.
Challenges of Marketing
• Unable To Find and Target Your Product To Right Segment
• Heavy advertising cost
• Generating Awareness for Your Business is a Challenge
• Unable to Measure Your Marketing Performance
You are advertising your product through the traditional media and have ended up paying heavy amount for it. However your product is still not reaching the right segment of the audience it was supposed to. Think practical! You are paying a big amount on advertising and still your product is not reaching the right segment of audience; especially when you have the alternative that you can generate awareness about your business among your target market easily by reaching out to them on Internet within your budget. Here’s how you can reach the target market easily and faster at relatively very low cost.
1. Get a website
2. Optimize your website for search engines like Google with SEO
3. Do some content marketing and let your potential customers find you
4. Reach out to people with the most common way i.e. email marketing
5. Get active on different Social media outlets and let your audience know that your brand exist
6. Use Pay per click advertising to generate potential business leads
Awareness is one of the most important weapons of a strong brand. It is very important for customers to be aware with your brand, your products and services for them to buy from you. Brand awareness plays a major role in a consumer’s buying decision process because more aware consumers are of your brand more likely they are to purchase from you.
There are various channels in digital marketing available to you through which you can generate awareness about your business among the audiences. Following are some of these channels that you can make use of in order to get traffic to your website:
Blog educating people more about your line of business which will eventually help them to trust your brand.
2. Circulate Press Releases
Writing about events and interesting happenings in your business once in 2 months fetches good awareness
3. Newsletters
They say that email marketing will never die. So do not forget to shoot out regular e-mailers or general newsletters to your email list
4. Local Directory Listings
The web directories and other classified websites like quickr’s and olx’s are here to stay and people use them. So let them find you on such web properties.
5. Social Profiles
More than 90 million of Indians are on social networking websites. Start doing social media marketing and start it now.
6. Community, Blogs and Forums
Participating actively in forums and business related blogs help bring quality visitors to your website
7. Make a few videos
If an image is equal to 1000 words then a video is equal to 1000 images for sure. Get a video done of your business and market it on platforms like youtube.
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The biggest reason that digital marketing scores high is because it allows you to measure every part of your marketing performance and calculate return on every single penny spent. With web analytics, digital marketing offers you with immense metrics to evaluate your marketing venture at its every level.Analytics let you track every single step of your digital marketing venture while you are carrying out your respective campaigns. It helps you recover then and there if something is going wrong and lets you optimize each of your marketing campaign effectively. You can track everything starting from the consumers’ visit to your web page to the lead generation and to sales. The best thing is you can optimize everything with the help of analytics be it email marketing, display advertising, PPC & SEO on a real-time basis.
Web analytics is just one of the 15 components that is covered in Advanced Digital Marketing Training Program at Delhi School of Internet Marketing.
Digital marketing has actually become a kind of must do for your business if you want to have a triumphant marketing in the most economical way. Besides, digital marketing is said to be the future of marketing as you cannot deny the fact that how the world is rapidly getting transformed from analogue to digital. It’s been a few years since when people started marketing on internet and the scene today is that they have come on digital handhelds like smart phone and other devices adding more to the ubiquity of the digital marketing.
Besides, we all are aware with the fact that digital marketing is far more responsible than the traditional marketing in terms of ROI calculation. Hence, go ahead and create your own digital marketing strategy today. If you aren’t aware with its technicalities hire a professional or else get mentored yourself by undergoing a digital marketing training program. The sooner you start your digital marketing campaign the better returns your business is going to give you.
Learn from real practitioners not just trainers.
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