Words You Should Avoid While Writing Emails

Writing great emails is a significant aspect that chooses marketing success as communicating the core message of your brand’s product/service. Even when sending an email informally, to get your mail read and responded quickly, you need to take care of e-mail writing etiquettes. Considering the little points of interest can have a major effect.


An e-mail should be straight and concise supplying the key message to the reader. There are a few considerations to make before drafting a mail and the one is to abstain from using words that work as a boundary amongst you and your readers.

We have worked on few words that should be avoided while drafting an email. Find these and become more direct and communicate with meaning.

1) Just: The word minimizes your demand and makes you appear to be less certain in message conveyed. It’s a filler word.

2) Very: The word does not convey enough information and is said to be one of the most futile words in English.

3) Honestly/Honest: You should stay earnest and humble, so needn’t bother using this word.

4) Hope/Hopefully/Ideally: The word says that you don’t have control over a circumstance and even in a few conditions that you are untrustworthy.

5) Also: When you use this word regularly, it sounds like you have begun once again asking for something.

6) Amazing: The word implies bringing about sudden wonder and being used broadly is by all accounts of less significance.

7) Literally: The word means ‘literal’, meaning the real occurrence and is of more use while talking.

8)Kind of: Using kind of as a part of an email appears to be unclear or vague.

9) Sorry: The word is thought to be one of the most superfluously used words as a part of messages.

10) Need: This word is frequently used as a part of terms of asking some help and there, it makes you requesting.

11) Interesting: The word sounds the slightest intriguing. If you truly need to show something interesting to your reader, you should take a stab at maintaining a strategic distance from this.

12) You: It’s ideal to abstain from using this as it sounds like reader has done something incorrect, should be used in general terms.

13) Actually: The word is gradually turning into the word, individuals use it in their messages with no expressive sense. It makes you sound annoying and irritating.

14) Things/stuff: These words don’t give a clear picture of what they are referring to. With their use, there is an excessive amount of information left unsaid.

15) I trust/I feel/I think: The usages of these don’t rouse certainty and cause the reader to question the author’s validness and genuineness.

16) Could be: It discusses instability and molds your voice similarly.

17) Urgent: It’s not really required to write “urgent” to demonstrate any kind of urgency. You can make your reader look for the significance with the topic.

18) But: You need not to determine your message’s plan using this word. It is ideal to use “and” in place of this, or you should get rid of it entirely.

18) Really: The word is a support and doesn’t tell anything important. It’s an example of the way we talk.

19) Kindly/Respectfully: These words offer normal begin and imply practice that is not prevalent these days.

20) Sincerely yours: Complimentary closings have begun to disappear, so you should change your end style as well.

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