You would certainly need to be where your customers are and reach them if you really want to grow your business. Won’t you? You need to find out the platforms they are on, the devices they are on, the language they speak and much more in order to figure out how to reach them and generate awareness for your brand among them. For instance, in this digital era, a large part of your buyer is on internet hunting, researching and even buying the product they want to buy. They are on social media! The same way when it comes to device, majority of your audience is on mobile devices, which is shaking up the way businesses operate.
Talking about the ubiquity of mobile devices and give you a better idea of why Mobile is taking over business marketing strategies, here are some stats that would help you strategize your business in 2014 and future.
The Stats…
91% of all people on earth have a mobile phone
• 56% of people own a smart phone
• 50% of mobile phone users use mobile as their primary Internet source
• 80% of time on mobile is spent inside apps
• 72% of tablet owners purchase online from their tablets each week
• Mobile web adoption is growing x8 faster than web adoption did in the 1990s and early 2000s
• 1 in three mobile searches have local intent
• Just fewer than 30% of emails are now opened on mobile devices. Over 10% on tablets
• The average person checks their smartphone 34 times a day
• 64% of decision-makers read their email via mobile device
• The average consumer spends 127 minutes in mobile applications a day
• Mobile web browsing accounted for 30% of all web traffic in 2012 and is expected to grow to 50% by 2014
• 60% of consumers search for local businesses on their smartphone
• Mobile coupons get 10x the redemption rate of traditional coupons & Mobile ads get 3x the clicks
40% of mobile consumers turned to a competitors site after a bad mobile web experience
• 61% of people have a better opinion of brands when they offer a good mobile experience
• 60% of mobile shoppers use their smartphones while in a store, and another 50% while on their way to a store
70% of all mobile searches result in action within 1 hour
• It takes 90 minutes for the average person to respond to an email. It takes 90 seconds for the average person to respond to a text message
• Mobile internet access enabled by smartphones and tablets has nearly doubled the amount of time spent online since 2010
• 189 million Facebook users (almost one out of five) are mobile-only, and mobile use accounts for 30% of Facebook ad revenue
• 751 million (nearly three-quarters of the total) Facebook users access the network from mobile devices at least some of the time
• Twitter has more than 500 million total users. 288 million users are active monthly, collectively sending out over 400 million tweets each day
• 76% of millennials own a smartphone. 73% own a laptop
Mobile ads perform 4-5 times better than online ads
• 60% of Twitter users access the network from mobile devices at least some of the time
• Tablet users spend, on average, 50% more online than do PC users
• Nearly half of consumers say they won’t return to a website if it doesn’t load properly on their mobile devices
• On desktop searches, roughly one-third of clicks go to the top organic result. Average CTR on mobile devices tends to skew even more towards the first position, as smaller screens offers fewer listings at any one time
• Currently, about half of B2B vendors sell through mobile (including stores and applications), while 3 in 4 respondents plan to offer mobile commerce by the end of 2014
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There are so many things you need to know being marketer in order to identify with your customer’s behavior and act accordingly. Every statistic has a message for you, for instance, when it says “40% of mobile consumers turned to a competitors site after a bad mobile web experience “ , it tells you that how important it is to give a good mobile web experience to your users. So, if you don’t want to lose a large part of your consumer base I mean those who are on mobile, you have to work hard to give users the best possible experience by having a mobile compatible website or say responsive website with all other mobile compatible features.
Let’s take one more stat for instance here that says’70% of all mobile searches result in action within 1 hour’. So what does this mean? It means that customers find it easier to enact upon their research of buying a product on mobile than other devices and so a well optimized website meant for instant gratification brings you more customer in lesser time by giving no chance to customer to move away for any reason such as disconnect in the process of buying, a mood change or just anything of that sort.
“Although mobile marketing is growing fast but it is not the saturation and that it is evolving every day signaling that you need to continue to improve and adjust your strategy accordingly.”
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