
According to the business head of the mobile messenger service WhatsApp Neeraj Arora, its user base in India has reached a mark of 70 million active users, which is more than a 10th of its global users.

“We have 70 million active users here who use the application at least once a month,” Arora, a vice-president with WhatsApp, said at the fifth annual INK Conference in Mumbai. He said the total user base for the company, which was bought by Facebook in a $19-billion deal earlier this year, is 600 million.

He added that with over a 10th of the users from the country, India has become one of the biggest markets for WhatsApp and that connecting billions of people in markets like India and Brazil is the aim of their company.

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He also said that the instant messaging service company will continue to hold a distinct identity even after the takeover by Facebook. He however admitted that WhatsApp, a company with only 80 employees, will of course benefit through learnings from the social networking giant.

Source: PTI

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