Meet Saahil Bajaj, DSIM’s Ex-trainee and a Social Media Strategist at ‘Wealth Discovery’, a stock broking company in India. Read on the post to know what has been Saahil’s journey & experiences into Digital Marketing and at DSIM.
Q1. Hello Saahil! We are really pleased to start this conversation. Let us know a little about your present job responsibilities & work experience?
Ans. Thank you! I am currently working with ‘Wealth Discovery’ as a Social Media Strategist. Here, I am handling Social Media assignments for BJP, ruling political party. To talk of earlier experiences, I have worked & handled projects of known names like Yes Bank, organic India, Christian Expo, etc.
Q2. Great! What’s been your qualification?
Ans. Revealing my degree, I am a B.Tech graduate. And, later on pursued Digital Marketing Training at DSIM. The purpose was to get insights of this trending marketing vertical from core.
Q3. Working as a Social Media strategist; the job is really versatile. What you have to say?
Ans. Yeah, true! The responsibilities are actually challenging, yet I am looking forward to explore it much wonderfully. Now, I have become aware with the direction where I need to move forward.
Q4. Why digital marketing; a much-anticipated question for you Saahil?
Ans. It’s been around a year I started working on my own website and I was really confused with how to move further? Without any clue of marketing & promotion, I was looking for help. And, so this course which proved to be my lifeline came into my knowledge. To sum up, I really found a way to bring ideas into execution.
Q5. Why DSIM, what allured you most that you picked up this institute?
Ans. Reliably, I decided to join DSIM’s digital marketing training program with minimal research, For 1 month I was in search of finding a good institute and in the process, filled up DSIM’s enquiry form and also, 2-3 of others. The way DSIM appears in front of you, it says everything about it can give you amid learning. And, so I ended up choosing DSIM and can’t express through words, how satisfied I am post training.
Q6. How did you get this job and what remuneration have you been offered with?
Ans. This opportunity came to me as one of my friends referred my name. Though, it was digital marketing learning at DSIM that helped me to grab this offer. At present, I am getting 25K in hand.
Q7. As you said DSIM’s training program helped you to get the offer, may we know how?
Ans. Yes, without any doubt! The training was really helpful; today I know lots of things that were completely unversed to me 1 year back. And, the abilities which were imparted into me as a marketer are making my journey impactful.
Q8. What is your viewpoint on Digital Marketing as an industry?
Ans. At present, digital marketing has become a stream of hope & opportunities. To talk of era, you cannot skip over digitization. Not only private sectors, but Government sectors are also measuring & adapting the digital change. This industry is seeing an incredible growth taking us closer & closer to Digital India.
Q9. What would you say when recalling your journey & experience at DSIM?
Ans. It was superb! The entire experience was pretty awesome. Trainers here are really knowledgeable and rule info on modules. Just to give you a suggestion, even if you decide to increase your fee and can bring deeper insights of each & every module, it would be an incredible step. Also, DSIM can introduce Master courses, so that we could become informed up to the next level.
Q10. What would you prefer to give while rating DSIM’s training program, ranging on a scale of 1-10?
Ans. Not less than 8!
Q11. Summing up the entire session, we would love to have your message to young fellows looking forward to step into Digital Marketing Industry?
Ans. Just want to say, if you are interested and truly wish to explore this particular stream, this could become a great decision in your career. Because, digital marketing really holds possibilities & chances to scale up your career growth.
Good Luck, Saahil!
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