grammar checker

A lot of blogs do not receive a good response from the readers. People who access the internet to get any kind of information are particular about what they read. Websites that have quality content receive heavy traffic within no time. Similarly, websites which have substandard content fail to get customers and retain them.

If you are using a grammar checker, you can expect a lot of benefits to come your way. First of all, you can save a lot of precious time. The time that had to be spent on checking grammatical mistakes could be put to better use. If you have to meet a tight timeline, one of these tools will help you in meeting it.

Here you have to be careful while making the selection. It is not feasible to pick any tool and expect the best results. Only the finest tools with credible options would work well for you.

When you talk about the best grammar checking tools, the top 3 alternatives which you can look at are listed below.

1) Grammarly


Grammarly is a reputed online grammar checker that comes in both free and paid versions. It can be added as an extension to the browser so that you can use it whenever the need is there without opening the link.

The content which has to be checked can be uploaded in two ways. Either you can upload a document and get the content checked or paste the written text in the provided text box.

  • Grammarly identifies all kinds of errors including issues with tenses, adjectives, verbs, punctuation problems, and all other mistakes. You do not have to look for the mistakes that you have made. When the content has been pasted or uploaded, the check work would be performed by the tool. Once the mistakes have been identified, you do not have to think about the corrections. This tool provides you with the correct recommendations.

2) Prepostseo Grammar Checker & Spell Checker


The biggest preference for a user seeking an online grammar check is finding a free tool with no dependability issues. There is no point in finding a free tool that does not identify all mistakes or takes too long to complete the editing process. This is a major problem when your priority is getting a 100% free tool.

Majority of free grammar checkers do not offer complete reliability to the user. If you use one of these tools, you realize that the tool is free for limited features only. In other words, the complete grammar check is included in the paid version.

  • Prepostseo grammar check is completely free and the user does not have to spend any money on buying a paid version. Irrespective of how many times the tool is used, the user does not have to pay for anything. In other words, it can be said that this tool is 100% free. The user can use all the features without any limitations on times of usage.
  • There are two alternatives to upload content. If you have a document in the PDF, DOC or TXT format, you can upload it in the form of a document. The other option is copying the text and pasting it in the text box given. This tool is actually quick and the content is scanned without making the user wait for long. It suits students in particular who have to submit tough assignments on time and have to complete the proofreading in a quick manner. Using this tool simply means that the user does not have to perform any manual check. Simply use the tool and all mistakes would be shown to you.
  • It is an online tool so you do not need to exhaust your system memory with heavy installations. This tool can be used from any computer or smartphone that has internet connectivity. No need to download or install any soft wares for functionality.

3) The Scribens tool


Scribens is yet another quality tool for checking content grammatically. It has the following key features.

  • No downloads needed when you are using this tool. It is a 100% online option, so you can use it from any device. This tool does not require the user to use any additional soft wares or install supporting tools. You can use it from any device that has a proper internet connection.
  • This does not skip mistakes. This is obviously a big relief for students and other users. Once the content has been read using the tool, you would know about all errors made. After that, no further checking is needed. All you need to do is rectify the errors and scan the content again. No further checking is needed after this task has been completed. You can submit the content immediately.
  • If you are using this tool, a lot of time can be saved. No need to put in very long hours and complete editing tasks. Nothing of this sort is needed when you are using this tool. Students, in particular, are always working on assignments with tight submission dates. They simply do not have the time to go through lengthy editing procedures. If you have a similar requirement, the Scribens tool will suit you.


Submitting content without performing a grammatical check is committing a big mistake. Whether the content is being submitted in the form of an assignment or web content, it has to be checked for grammatical mistakes. Consider that you are submitting a research paper that has grammatical issues, what kind of issues would be created?

First of all, you would end up with a low grade because correct grammar matters a lot. Teachers and academic supervisors are particular about whether the submitted content is grammatically correct or not.

Web content developers also have to doublecheck the written content. If the content has errors, it simply means that there is a lack of professionalism. Erroneous web content would prevent regular customers and potential buyers from visiting your website.

Author Bio:

[thrive_testimonial name=”” company=”” image=””]Asad Shehzad writes SEO articles for online business marketers and SEO tools users to make their Google rankings surge. His articles have appeared in a number of websites i.e., eLearning Industry, and Inside Tech Box. He contributes articles about digital marketing, SEO techniques and tech regularly to[/thrive_testimonial]

DSIM Editorial Team
The DSIM Editorial Team is a group of passionate digital marketing experts dedicated to providing insightful, high-quality content on the latest trends, strategies, and tools in the digital marketing industry. As part of the Delhi School of Internet Marketing (DSIM), the team focuses on delivering valuable information to help aspiring marketers, entrepreneurs, and business professionals enhance their digital skills. With years of combined experience in SEO, social media, content marketing, and paid advertising, the DSIM Editorial Team ensures that each piece of content is designed to educate and empower readers to succeed in the fast-paced world of digital marketing.

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