“Thanks to DSIM; I got placed in ‘Unvired’. ”
Susheel Kumar Shukla, DSIM Trainee
Meet Susheel Kumar Shukla, DSIM’s Ex-trainee and Digital Marketing Manager at ‘Unvired’. Read on the complete interview to know how DSIM helped him to widen his professional knowledge.
Q1. Pleased to have you here Susheel! Let us know your education and work details.
Ans. I did MBA in Marketing.I have 7+ years of experience in Sales & marketing. Earlier, I worked at Times of India and handled 360 advertising.
After pursuing digital marketing training at DSIM, I have joined ‘Unvired’ as a Manager- Digital Marketing.
Q2.Why digital marketing and moreover, Why DSIM?
Ans. Digital Marketing has endless possibilities and career benefits in present time. It’s a profession that lets you remain insightful forever.
DSIM because of its career-specific training.
DSIM has the most complete program and covers most required topics under the training program.
Q3. Did you find job assistance from DSIM’s Placement department?
Ans. Yes!
Thanks to DSIM; I got placed in ‘Unvired’.
DSIM has maximum resources to prepare you as a marketer.
Q4. How would you rate DSIM’s training program on a scale of 1-10?
Ans. I would give it 9/10.
Q5. What are your future career plans?
Ans. I want to further learn and excel in the sphere.
Q6. Your words to youngsters looking forward to careers in digital marketing…
Ans. Learn digital marketing at DSIM.
Alongside and beyond your preparation, “Look for the opportunities.”
Q7. DSIM in one line…
Ans. “DSIM opens up an entirely new professional world to you.”
Thanks Susheel! It was really great talking to you.