
You can’t just deny the huge opportunity mobile marketing presents for marketers looking at the spike up that it has exhibited when it comes more revenue generation and delivering a better ROI in the end in last few years. A recent report on this revealed that Smartphone ownership hit almost 75% last year and that it is all set to overtake fixed internet access by the end of 2014.

Now, looking at this popularity of mobile usage businesses must correct their strategies to have an effective existence where their audience is hanging out. Anyway, in this report we are going to talk about Digital Video, which is one effective mobile marketing tactic used by a number of businesses. Indeed, video is one of the most promising trends within the mobile marketing industry.

Moreover, if we talk numbers, video now accounts for more than 51% of global mobile data traffic.

Some stats on how videos can power your mobile marketing campaigns

• Online video accounts for 50% of all mobile traffic and up to 69% of traffic on certain networks
• 63% of digital video screening on mobiles does not happen on-the-go, but rather at home

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How to build mobile strategy around Digital Video

The number and stats are self-explanatory and it is no wonder if businesses around the world are making a lot of effort in creating a plan of action for how to deliver video to their mobile audiences. It is fact that, if you want to put your brand’s products or services directly into the hands of your target audience, nothing can serve your purpose better than employing an effective mobile video campaign. Let’s take one example here, Starbucks was voted mobile marketers of the year in 2012 for their award winning mobile campaign that integrated video into it with tremendous results.

Moreover, customer is God and so that’s obviously going to be very effective if it is loved and demanded by your customer. Videos are very much that and prove to be an effective mobile marketing strategy.

Mobile devices will also access over 70% of the video on the internet by 2016!

A number of studies in past have already shown that increases the conversation rates from exposure to sales but the point is that conversion rate is even greater when it comes to mobile devices. In fact, mobile shoppers are three times more likely to view video than desktop and laptop shoppers.

Moreover, you always have this thing called social media, which is an especially effective platform to harness the power of mobile video, especially in current days.

People with Smartphones find it convenient to access social media via them and talking about the video it is a powerful engagement tool on these channels. So, when it comes to user engagement, people are more likely to engage with branded content on social media that contains images and video.

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