To help users find the time and more easily respond to their messages, LinkedIn has made its reply suggestions smarter. It is bringing smart replies to its messaging platform in an effort to help keep conversations going.
Using machine learning, LinkedIn will show users suggestions that are more contextual and relevant to the conversation they are having. It will suggest at most three responses based on the message users have received.
Smart replies are rolling out globally in English first in the LinkedIn mobile app and on desktop, with other languages coming in the future.
For example, if an old friend of yours asks if you’re available to catch up over coffee next week, you may see suggestions like “Yes I am,” or “Sure!” or “What time?”
Coming soon, LinkedIn will be personalizing users’ smart replies further so that the suggestions are even more fitting for the conversation they are having. For example, a user may soon see a response like “Thanks, Joe!” versus the more simplified “Thanks.”
One can also choose whether or not he/she wants to use smart replies by going to their settings.