Open Talk @DSIM
An Interview with Interview with Ankit Oberoi, Co-founder of Adpushup
AdPushup is an Ad-Tech product that helps optimize online ad revenues by using advanced automated A/B Testing (a proprietary multi-arm bandit algorithm).
Using AdPushup, publishers can get a chance to A/B test various versions of an ad unit and see which ones give them the best return.
Ans. Our marketing strategy primarily depends upon inbound marketing. This means that instead of advertising our services through traditional media channels, we concentrate on creating actionable and useful content that helps our target audience solve pain points. This helps us build relationships with our customers based on trust. It also enables us to work efficiently within a lean budget (startups are all about cutting costs).
Ans. We write amazing content on our blog that is insightful and actionable.By insightful I mean we share stories backed by science and data that are new to marketers and web publishers. And when I say actionable, I mean that our articles are one-stop-shop for people who are looking for solutions that are practical and can be acted on. Another thing that is working for us is ‘transparency’. We like to be open about our inner workings and to this effect we share posts like what it cost to build our new office and even the successful viral marketing strategy we used to generate buzz at our first offline event. Essentially, we our taking users and readers on a journey and they are in the front seat with us. I won’t be surprised if soon other startups start following this practice too.
Ans. Yes, we’re using GetResponse as our email marketing software of choice. We use it to send out weekly newsletters to our subscribers, track subscriptions numbers; open and click rates; unsubscriptionsand bounces among other metrics. As of now we are not using affiliate marketing because content marketing in itself is doing very well for us. However as our business expands, we may consider it as viable option for lead generation.
Ans Haha, this is like asking a car owner “what’s the role of an engine in your car?”.Jokes aside – along with our product, digital marketing is the primary initiative that is helping us reach our target audience and build a credible brand. Creating a disruptive app in your niche is one thing, getting it in front of your target group is another and digital marketing is helping us bridge these two together.
Q9.What according to you is the biggest benefit for opting you over your competitors?
Ans. Simply put – AdPushup continuously and automatically optimizes a website’s ad layout. Its biggest advantage is that it uses machine learning and data to come up with the best ad layouts that have better chances of increasing the click through rate. And it achieves all this while seamlessly integrating with our user’s website design. Yup, our application is one of its kinds.
Ans.Our working team is kick ass. It is a collection of smart and determined people who also happen to not hesitate in letting their hair loose when it’s time for fun.We hire experienced as well as amateur professionals based on their learning and problem solving skills and not simply because of the numbers and designations they have put in their resumes.
Q11. We heard you have been funded by the investors. Let us know more about company’s funding?
Ans. Aah, good question and a very expansive one at that. It won’t do justice to the DSIM readers if I just summarize it in a paragraph which is why we actually wrote a post about it detailing the entire process, pitch and experience. You guys should check it out.
Q13. Anything you would like to say to the emerging startups and aspiring entrepreneurs?
Ans. When you’re beginning out – Have a vision, start hustling (jugadupan) and network with people.When you’re growing – Hire the right team. Ship products and features continuously. Concentrate on retaining the customers/users have, not getting new ones. When you are fairly established – Stay true to your vision and start planning everything long term. Expand your operations.
Great words Ankit. Team DSIM wishes you all the best for your future. Thank you so much for giving your valuable time to us. Have a great day.