The marketing industry has a language all of its own. There are a number of terms specific to online marketing and – more generally, the internet – that is helpful to know whether you’re a search engine marketer or just need to speak with one.
That’s why DSIM compiled a list of some of the most common online marketing terms you’re likely to encounter (and some that you might not) to make the introduction into marketing just that little bit easier for you!
![[Infographic]- Online Marketing Terms Every Marketer Should Know 2 online-marketing-dsim]()
DSIM Editorial Team
The DSIM Editorial Team is a group of passionate digital marketing experts dedicated to providing insightful, high-quality content on the latest trends, strategies, and tools in the digital marketing industry. As part of the Delhi School of Internet Marketing (DSIM), the team focuses on delivering valuable information to help aspiring marketers, entrepreneurs, and business professionals enhance their digital skills. With years of combined experience in SEO, social media, content marketing, and paid advertising, the DSIM Editorial Team ensures that each piece of content is designed to educate and empower readers to succeed in the fast-paced world of digital marketing.