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Have you ever fallen down on your face? As a child, you probably fell down many times while playing. But that did not matter to you then. You anyway continued to play because it was just fun. And you ended up learning how to play a wide variety of games while the wounds healed.

As you continued growing, something somewhere changed. When you failed, you stopped doing that very thing which you should improve upon.

The feeling of falling down is similar to how some people feel when it comes to writing a blog for their businesses. You know you have to produce a great content to post on your website but you stare endlessly at the blank screen on your computer. You just do not know where you should start from. I used to be like that. I never thought of myself as writer therefore I could not come up with anything.

All of this changed when I started up my online business and website and I was forced to change my attitude. Whether I liked it or not, I had to write for the blog of my business to grow and thrive. I was not in a position to hire a professional writer because my business was still small. I envied those business owners who just knew how to come up with brilliant contents for their businesses. I wanted to be ranked on Google’s top list.

When I started writing, I continued having this thought on my mind that I am not a writer. I later found out that this mindset has serious repercussions to any business due to the frustration and wastage of time. Having this mindset is just a great excuse but never a good reason for you not to blog.

As a child and even a youth, I rarely wrote down on my diary or self-expressed myself through writing.  The ‘I am not a writer’ mindset pulled me down like a sea anchor and if you are thinking of starting a blog for your business and you have this mindset, you are not alone. And if I overcame it, so can you. Maybe you can even produce a greater content than mine.

What is the difference between a writer and a blogger?

The first obvious reason is that a blogger has a blog and a writer does not have to. Secondly, a writer needs to be educated to work while a blogger does not. Isn’t it great to be a blogger?

A study conducted by Blogging revealed that there were 152 million blogs globally back in 2013. The number has risen to 441 million blogs this year. Why? With the rapid advance in technology, the future is bright for bloggers. Note that people of all ages read blogs and watch videos.

So when people want to start blogging, they normally have three excuses that stop them. They include not having enough time, hating the act of writing itself and having no idea what they should write about. These excuses keep them from being on Google’s top 10 list, attracting new consumers and engaging their current consumers.

A step by step system

And you need to know that you need not be a writer to be blogger? Yes, you can be a blogger without being a writer. How is this possible?

Here is a step by step process that will answer this question for you. The first section will communicate to those who have a desire to write but cannot. The second section will communicate to those who do not want to write at all.

Of course, you need to work hard to produce a remarkable content. As the saying goes, Rome was not built in day. But the good news is, it was built and completed. And so will be your skill. Do not hesitate to try this system out. You do not lose anything. Read on.

1) Have clear written down goals

What do you want to achieve at the end of the day through your blog(s)? Different people have different goals. For me was to be on Google’s top ten list and popularize my brand. What about you? Do you want to double or triple the number of customers you currently have? Once you know what you want, getting it will not be an issue because you will have the right strategy in place.

2) Set a date

Set a day or a specific day in the week to write down the ideas you have in your mind. Never skip or postpone this activity unless it is an emergency. You can write your ideas down using a pen or your computer.

3) Have your titles

Titles spark your creativity. They give you more ideas which you never thought of initially. Titles will give you an idea of how the structure of your article will be.

4) Create a bullet point list

Arrange the ideas you initially wrote down in a bullet list. This is an important activity as it will help you come up with paragraphs around each idea or point.

5) Write in your own unique way

You need not copy anyone. After all, no one in the world is like you. Similar to a writer who writes unique EssaysOnTime, so should the posts you publish. You may have read remarkable articles in the past and you might have a strong urge to copy how those great writers write. You need to know that they were once like you and despite having successful writers around them, they chose to write in their own way thus engaging their readers and their readers trusting them. Why shouldn’t you do the same?

6) Simplicity is key

There is no need for you to use difficult or fancy grammar. No one wants to read an article with a dictionary. Keep everything in your article as simple as it can. Describing one idea well is better than vaguely describing twenty ideas no matter how great they are.

7) Before posting it, read it

Before posting or uploading your post, it is important to read it. Yes, reading it aloud. Doing this will give you an idea of how your consumers will perceive you and your brand. You will get to correct any mistakes you made while writing the article. Remember, it need not be perfect. But you can make it very effective.

No interest in writing?   

This section comprises of tips for the individual who has no interest in writing at all. This section will help you perform better on Google even if you do not write anything. Although it seems simple, you still have work to do. As the saying goes, everything has a price. If it does not, it is probably not worth it.

1) Have a software that recognizes speech

You definitely hate writing but you probably love talking about a variety of subjects such as your brand or business. This software will let you speak without typing or writing down any letter. It will capture the words you say and create a word file that you can then publish on your website. Fortunately, there is a speech recognition software for smartphones nowadays.

2) Upload great photos

At one time, you have probably done a Google search and seen the images that appear on the first page. These are the images we are talking about in this section. If you hate writing, you can take a variety of pictures and post them on your blog. Your photos need to be of high quality so that interested people can open them and be redirected to your site.

3) Record a video

If you can take great photos, then you can definitely record a good video. With a video, you can provide a wonderful content which sometimes cannot be written down. They can range from tutorials to interviews with special guests. Always remember to keep it short and simple. Majority of people have a short attention span therefore; it will be good if you shorten your videos to approximately two minutes in length. You can then upload the video on a popular platform such as YouTube to popularize your business and brand.


If you get the temptation to skip these activities, do not give in. It is easier to suppress the first temptation than the second or the third. Keep doing it. Have a calendar so that you can keep track of your activities.

Draw an X on the days you perform these activities. Do not break the chain. The thing that scares majority of people from blogging is publishing. Because once you publish your post, you are now vulnerable and open to criticism. But when you think about it, there is nothing to lose. In fact, you are improving yourself.

You can use the tips above anytime, provided you do it consistently. Doing things consistently only comes once you are committed. And remember, you need not be a writer to be a blogger.

You can now describe yourself in this new way. Is it not fantastic not having to write when just hate doing it? You need not force yourself into doing that which you hate. Start popularizing your brand right now!

Author Bio: 

[thrive_testimonial name=”” company=”” image=””]Jacob Dillon is a professional writer and distinctive journalist from Sydney. Being passionate about what he does, Jacob likes to discuss stirring events as well as express his opinion about technological advancements and evolution of society. You can find Jacob on Twitter .[/thrive_testimonial]

DSIM Editorial Team
The DSIM Editorial Team is a group of passionate digital marketing experts dedicated to providing insightful, high-quality content on the latest trends, strategies, and tools in the digital marketing industry. As part of the Delhi School of Internet Marketing (DSIM), the team focuses on delivering valuable information to help aspiring marketers, entrepreneurs, and business professionals enhance their digital skills. With years of combined experience in SEO, social media, content marketing, and paid advertising, the DSIM Editorial Team ensures that each piece of content is designed to educate and empower readers to succeed in the fast-paced world of digital marketing.

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