how to start with Digital Marketing e1487144848892

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What is digital marketing?


The most advanced guide on what, how and the concept of digital marketing process for beginners.

What you will find in this guide?

  • What is digital marketing?
  • Marketing process
  • Importance of digital marketing
  • Understanding digital marketing process
  • How to do digital marketing?
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social media marketing
  • Email marketing
  • Content marketing
  • Online reputation management
 After reading this advanced guide on digital marketing, you will be able to answer & understand the following-
  • What is digital marketing?
  • Importance of digital marketing
  • What is digital marketing process?
  • How to increase your visibility online?
  • How to bring targeted traffic on your website?
  • How to engage traffic on your website?
  • How to convert traffic into leads?
  • Tracking your marketing activities using analytics
  • Retaining your visitors and customers
  • How to do digital marketing?
  • Understand digital marketing platforms like SEO, Online advertising, Lead generation, Social Media marketing, Mobile marketing, Web analytics, Email marketing and Content marketing.

Digital marketing is doing marketing of products, services, brands or people on Internet using digital devices like laptops, tablets and mobile phones.

Contrary to what most of us think becoming a good digital marketer has nothing to do with technical knowledge like HTML, JAWA, web development.

To deeply understand digital marketing it is important that we understand marketing first. So, what is marketing? Marketing is all about identifying your potential buyers and communicating value to them.

Some of the key steps in marketing process is-

  • Identify what customers want
  • Research and development
  • Identifying potential buyers
  • Increasing brand awareness
  • Proposing value
  • Creating utility
  • Advertising
  • Promotion
  • Sales
  • Feedback
  • Retaining
  • Measurement

So when all of the activities or some of the activities mentioned above are done on Internet, it becomes part of digital marketing. So, we reach out to our prospects on Internet using digital devices and propose value of our products and services, create utility and run advertising and promotional campaigns to sell.

Startups, SME’s and corporates have identified potential of marketing themselves online (digital marketing) and are constantly identifying ways to reach their prospects on Internet.

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Digital marketing also known as Internet marketing, Web marketing, Online marketing has changed the way modern marketing is done. It is no more about loading prospects with information but is about engaging them. How your prospects perceive your brand on social media is what modern marketing is all about.

So to summarize everything- Digital marketing is nothing but pure marketing done on Internet using digital devices.

There has to be some reasons behind digital marketing becoming popular and taking marketers by storm. Let’s see why digital marketing has become so important and its benefits.

Importance and benefits of digital marketing-

  • Wide Reach
  • Helps in increasing brand awareness
  • Cost effective
  • Performance oriented
  • You can easily target your niche
  • Generate potential business leads
  • Track and monitor your marketing campaigns to improve performance
  • Cut down on employees’ expenses
  • Edge your lazy competitors
  • Challenge your big fat competitors
  • Add extra outlet for sales

Click here to know how digital marketing will help any business grow:

So, if you are planning to start with marketing your products/services digitally, then this guide tells you how to do it in the most easy and precise manner.

Read this 10 steps guide on how to start with digital marketing-

Things that are must to increase your visibility online-

  • Book a domain name- Name of your website. One important thing that you should consider while booking a domain is the domain extension. .com is the universal domain extension. However, if you want to buy but is not available and your business is India specific, then, you may choose .in or You may buy domain name from domain name sellers like or

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  • Buy web hosting– For our website to open on web, it needs to be uploaded on a web server. Hence we need to buy a space on web server, where we can upload files and folders of our website which can be then connected to our domain name through Name servers.
  • Plan what content to be posted on your website– What is it that you want your visitors to know? Whether you want to sell online or you just want to provide information about your business.
  • Conceptualize your website– This is a very important task that is missed by 99.9% of digital marketers. By conceptualizing we mean how your website will look like. What will come where? How many pages will there be on your website? What info will your home page provide and what other pages will have on them. One general mistake that we do is putting too much info on our website home page. Home page should resemble our business or website and should mainly act as a gateway to other pages.
  • Do A/B testing- Once we have designed a page then there is always a change that it may not perform as per our expectations. So it is always good to create two or three versions of one page, with minor changes in each one, and test which one is performing good. Which one is more engaging? Which one is having a low bounce rate? On which web page visitors spend more time?
  • Get your website developed or get it done on WordPress– After conceptualizing our website and creating blueprint of all its web pages next task is to have all web pages designed and developed by a web developer. If you are not well versed with coding and HTML then you may go for WordPress as it is world’s most common third party platform where any layman can easily develop a website without messing up with codes. Moreover, there are thousands of WordPress themes available for free and paid to choose from.
  • Have some Social Media visibility by creating a Facebook page. If you are a company then you can also go ahead and create a page on LinkedIn. Signing up on Instagram is also a good option as it is spreading up in masses really fast.
  • Have a blog section on your website or start writing blog on free blogging platforms like,, etc. Content marketing is the new form of marketing which helps you to reach masses bring targeted audience on your website and build a positive brand image. If you write a blog regularly, then, it will not only bring added visitors to your website but will also help you generate more leads.
  • Get your website mentioned on your business cards or brochures. This is the least that you can do. Letting people know that you are not living in stone age and do have enough web presence will send a good message across your clientage.
  • Online advertising– Advertising online can be tricky at times but if done carefully it can change gears for your business.
  • Google AdWords- Google AdWords is an advertising program where we can target our potential customers by showing ads on Google search engine result page on target keywords. Suppose we are an e-commerce website selling shoes online. Then, we can show our ads to people who search for queries related to shoes or buy shoes or even buy Nike shoes. Google AdWords is a highly targeted and precise way of reaching out to your potential customers. The bast part about AdWords is that it is Pay Per Click (PPC) form of advertising i.e. we do not have to pay anything unless and until someone clicks on our ad and visits our website. Other than SERP targeting Google AdWords also lets you advertise on its network of partner websites known as display network which is having 2.5 million website approximately. For eg- you can advertise on or from AdWords itself.
  • Facebook ads- Facebook being number one social networking website in World has an excellent advertising platform. Facebook primarily has two types of ads. 1- Newsfeed ads and 2- Right hand side ads. Apart from this, Facebook lets you target people on their interest basis, age, gender, geographical location, demographics, occupation, education and online behavior.
  • LinkedIn Ads- LinkedIn though very expensive in comparison with AdWords and Facebook, yet are performance oriented, as you tend to reach out to professionals. You can target professionals on the basis of their work profile, age, geographical location, etc.
  • You can further advertise on website which are frequently visited by your targeted traffic. Suppose you are targeting students, then, you can advertise on websites like or This form of advertising can be done via agencies or directly by contacting websites.
Popular Ebooks

For your reference and to give you a clear understanding of how you can market a brand, product or a service on Internet below are some ebooks on digital marketing-

  • An ultimate guide to generate potential business leads
  • An advanced guide to digital marketing
  • How to increase brand awareness with limited resources?
  • How to earn money in every stage of digital marketing?
  • How consumer behavior and digital marketing can help your business generate more sales

Understanding Digital Marketing Process

Step 1- Planning your visibility on web

The first and foremost step in digital marketing process is to increase your visibility online. Just like we need some place from where we can operate our offline business and our customers can approach us. Similarly, when you talk about doing digital marketing, the first step is to increase your visibility on various platforms where we can be in front of our potential customers.

  • Visibility can be increased by having a website.
  • Having a business page on Facebook or LinkedIn.
  • We can also have a profile on Google my business.
  • Writing a blog will also help us in increasing our visibility.

There are 3 different ways on how to increase your visibility online.

  • Owned media
  • Paid media
  • Earned media

Step-2 Bring targeted traffic

Increase in visibility leads into traffic coming to our visibility platforms like website, landing pages, Facebook pages, YouTube channel, etc. But it is easier said then done.

We can bring traffic to our website by doing inbound marketing or Outbound marketing. Outbound and Inbound is like push and pull in offline marketing but a lot more effective.

Outbound marketing

Outbound marketing is like reaching out to your prospects yourself. For example- we have an email marketing list. We prepare a nice emailer with our website link and shoot emails. As a result some of the people on that list open our email and clicks on our website URL. This is what outbound is. Another example can be advertising on Yahoo gets lots of traffic. Some of its visitors see your advertisement, click on it and land on your webpage.

Inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is a bit challenging but very productive. In inbound marketing we let customers reach us rather then we approaching them. Suppose we have written an eBook on How to increase your brand awareness with limited resources” and have uploaded that on various eBook directories, on our blog and on websites like Now, let’s say that RAM has just begun with his startup and he is looking to market himself online. But being a startup he is short of marketing budget. So what RAM does is he goes to Google and searches for how to improve brand awareness online for free. As a result of this our eBook ranks on first page and RAM downloads our eBook. While reading our eBook RAM visits our website. This would be a perfect example of inbound marketing. In Inbound marketing we write content and let people reach us.

Though inbound may result in less traffic, in comparison to outbound marketing, but it has high conversion rate.

Step-3 Engagement

This is my favorite step under digital marketing process. Engaging visitors on website, Facebook page, LinkedIn page, blog, etc. Once we have traffic coming to our website then what do we do. First thing that may come to your mind is to sell and tell our visitors why they should buy from us.

Well, let me share one very important and shocking stat with you. 95% of our website traffic does not visit to buy our products or services. And only 5% of them are either looking to buy or is doing their research and weighing their options.

At most we can sell to 5% of the lot. But what about remaining 95%? If we try to sell them then the first thing that they will do is close the tab of their web browser or hit back button.

So before we can sell to our prospects we shall engage then. Let them move freely within our website pages. Let them do some activities. Let them download an eBook. Let them read our blog. Let them subscribe for free trial/demo if any. All these activities come under engagement. Engaging our visitors will increase their trust in our brand/products/services. Even if they don’t want to buy now they will come back to us in future when they are ready to buy.

To demonstrate importance of engagement we will continue with example of RAM. Lets assume that we are an advertising agency. Now RAM had visited our website because he downloaded our eBook. But Ram being a young, new entrepreneur is not having pockets to buy our advertising services. But he did read our eBook and liked it a lot as he gained valuable knowledge out of it. If we can further engage RAM and make him subscribe to our newsletter or bring him back to our website once in a while (as a result of engagement) then this will make RAM trust our website, agency and in future if RAM needs professional advertising solution then he will definitely consider us once. This is the benefit of engagement.

Step-4 Conversions

Engagement always leads to conversions. But hey… wait. I am not talking only about sales conversions.

Conversions in digital marketing is of 2 kinds-

  • Micro conversion
  • Macro conversion

Micro conversions- Micro conversions are those where as a result of engagement visitors do some activities on our website. For example- subscribing to our weekly newsletter, downloading an eBook or any whitepaper, sharing our page on Facebook Following us on twitter, etc. In micro conversions visitors does not shoe direct interest in what we are offering or selling. But because we are not trying hard to sell them and have lot of engaging options on our website they will end up in doing some activities which may or may not lead to a final sale. Such actions are termed as micro conversions.

Macro conversions- Macro conversions are those conversions where visitors show direct interest in buying our products or services or end up in buying them. For example- registering for a free trial, signing up to receive a call back from our sales team, making payment to buy what is on offer.

One important thing that we shall understand here is that the more we engage our visitors or micro leads and nurture leads the more end/macro conversion we will get.

Step-5 Measurement (Web Analytics)

Once we are getting conversions (both micro and macro) then the next task is to measure our performance. The biggest advantage of doing digital marketing is that we can, with 100% accuracy, measure performance of our campaigns like SEO, Online advertising, Email marketing etc.

Suppose we are doing a lot of outbound marketing and have a budget of INR 100,000. Out of INR 100,000 we have invested 30% in Google, 30% in Facebook and 40% in email marketing. After one month we are sitting on some sales and total revenue of INR 500,000.

Figures suggest that we are in profit and as a result we are celebrating our achievement. But what if out of the 3 advertising platforms only 2 have performed for us and one did not?

With help of web analytics we can track how many sales we got from Google, what revenue did Facebook generated for us and how did the email marketing performed?

Lets say that after investing 30% on Google we got a 50% of our revenue. Out of remaining 40% we are getting from Email marketing. If we can track this then it is very clear that Facebook is not yielding results and we need to do something about it. But only if we can track this.

Hence in digital marketing website analytics become very important as it will help us to identify the performance of our marketing campaigns and help us to increase our revenue further.

Step-6 Retention (retaining visitors and customers)

Retention is not just about retaining our present customers but also retaining our visitors.

2 types of retention-

  • Horizontal retention
  • Vertical retention

Horizontal retention- Let us say that due to our good engagement and lead nurturing RAM purchased our email marketing campaign to boost his sales. Now RAM purchased our services for 3 month. After 3 months RAM is free to go to any competitor of ours. But because RAM is happy with our services he come back to us and renews our email marketing services. This is an example of vertical retention.

Continuing with same example horizontal retention would be when RAM after 2 months of buying our email marketing services also buys lead generation package.

So if a customer buys same chain of products/services then this is vertical retention. But of customer moves up or down in the ladder of products and buys some other products it is an example of horizontal retention.

Just like we try to retain our customers it is highly important that we try to retain our visitors. Unless and until we retain our visitors we will not be able to increase our sales.

Though retention is the last and final step in digital marketing process but it is of utmost importance as it is a continuous process and not an ending one.

How to do digital marketing?

To communicate value and create utility with your prospects online we use various platforms like search engines, social networking websites, email marketing, mobile marketing, etc.

Further this article explains how to leverage various digital marketing platforms online.

1- Search engine marketing (SEM)

One of the most popular platforms in digital marketing is marketing through search engines. We all use search engines like Google. As Google is the most preferred search engine so I will be explaining search engine marketing using Google as base example.

When our prospects search for queries, on search engine results pages (SERP), related to products/services that we offer, we can increase our visibility on Google and bring them on to our website. There are two ways in which we can increase our visibility-

  • Organic results
  • Inorganic results

Organic results are the results that Google shows from its database related to your searched keyword (query). As per default settings of SERP there are 10 organic results. However, these results may vary if results also include Google maps.

Inorganic results are the paid advertisements that appear on Google SERP. In normal case scenario, there can be a maximum of 11 text ads on one page. 3 ads on top and 8 ads on right-hand side. However, if a search query related to products being sold on e-commerce websites can be 8 image ads along with 11 test ads.

How to do search engine marketing?

For organic results- one thing that we must understand before proceeding further is that Google ranks webpages and not websites. So we must look after every page as a separate website.

To ensure good position in organic results we have to optimize our website pages as per search engine algorithm and this process is known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

What is SEO?

As per SEO is- “The practice of increasing the quantity and quality of the traffic that you earn through the organic results in search engines.”

Wikipedia defines SEO as- Search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) — including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.

SEO is a process of understanding the parameters on which search engines ranks webpages in search result pages (SERP) and then optimizing a website on those parameters to improve its ranking on targeted search query. SEO is done to increase visibility and get more targeted traffic.

A simple definition of SEO can be that it is the process of ensuring a good rank for your website pages on search results pages in order to bring targeted but organic traffic.

But SEO is so vast that there can be many definitions. Do check out this post where 21 SEO experts have defined SEO as per their experience.

If you are new to SEO then this 30 minutes webinar on SEO, that I recorded recently, will help you to get your basics right.

Search Engine Indexing: However, before you can understand what SEO is, you need to understand how search engine works and index web pages in its database.

The only thing that has remained same in SEO since 2008 is constant change in Google algorithm resulting in how we do SEO.

A lot has changed since I heard of SEO for the first time and this made me create this Infographic on how SEO has changed in last 8 years.


What are keywords?

Keywords are the search queries that people search on search engines like Google.

Why does keywords matter?

Keywords are important because we need to identify the keywords that are related to our business/website and can bring targeted traffic to our website.

To rank your website pages high in Google search you need to optimize them for keywords.

But how do we know what people are searching for on Google that is related to us?

Keywords research tools are used to find our targeted keywords that are related to our business.

Keywords research process can be done using several keyword research tools. However, keywords research tools is not the only way to find potential keywords to rank on and bring targeted traffic on your website. Check out this post that I wrote earlier on 7 tricks to find more potential keywords.

For any keyword Google has thousands of webpages to choose from. And it is the algorithm that selects which page will rank where. So we must understand the parameters on the basis of which Google algorithm ranks web pages and optimize our website accordingly.

There are over 200 parameters on the basis of which Google ranks webpages. Read this post to know all the 200 ranking factors that Google considers before ranking a page.

But not every ranking factors holds same weightage and some are more important like Domain level backlinks, page level backlinks, social media visibility, quality & quantity of content, etc.

How to do SEO?

SEO is a long-term process where you need to understand the ranking factors and optimize your webpages accordingly on targeted keywords that can bring you targeted traffic. However SEO is not a short-term process. SEO starts with providing high quality information on your keywords that provides value to users in a better and easy way then what others are doing.

SEO process is divided in 2 parts-

  • On-page SEO
  • Off-page SEO

On-page SEO includes all the activities that you do on your website.

On-page SEO can also be defined as optimization and improvement of web pages to rank high in search engines.

To understand on page SEO better, read out this guide on 10 on-page commandments that every marketer should follow.

Some of the important activities that we take care of in on page SEO are mentioned below but if you want to read a detailed post and have in-depth knowledge on SEO then read this post.

  • Web page title- Have you ever purchased a book without a heading? I guess your answer is NO. Then how can we publish a page without a title defining the page? Every web page should have a title.
  • Writing page description- Writing a brief description about web page content is helpful and helps search engine crawlers to understand the content of our web page.
  • Defining headings hierarchy via H1-H6 tags-
  • Adding internal and external links to related content
  • Ensuring keywords placement in URL, Headings, etc
  • Image optimization using alt tags
  • Improving user experience
  • Reducing bounce rate
  • Improving page loading speed
  • Improving content quality and quantity
  • Increasing content relevancy with targeted keywords
  • Usage of multimedia
  • Targeting Long Tail keywords

Off-page SEO SEO is increasing the visibility of your web pages on web. It is often termed as link building process but is much more than link building alone. SEO professionals uses many link building techniques to build backlinks but building backlinks in order to make your website rank on top is what Google advices you against. As per Google backlinks is a natural process under which people will link your content on their webpages if it is good and provides value.

To understand more of it check out this video of matt cuts, head of web spam team in Google, where he explains what not to do in link building.

To understand On-page SEO and Off-page SEO I would recommend you to read this post that explains both with examples.

You need to understand that just by having your website link on many websites will not rank your website higher. However, there are many basic link building techniques and advanced link building techniques that many SEO professionals adopt.

Talking about link building techniques and not mentioning this post from Dean Brian will probably not do justice to this article. In this post, Dean talks about how to rank on any keyword and I must say that he has done a more then a decent job.

Also it reminds me of a post I read long-time back but is worth a mention out here. This post from point blank SEO reveals XXX number of ways to build backlinks.

Doing SEO often requires use of tools that makes the entire process easy. Do not miss out on this guide where I have mentioned my personal top 11 tools that make SEO process very easy.

Google also changes its algorithm very frequently. But one of the most imp aspect that Google will never change is user experience (UX).

For example- One of the important parameters that are considered in organic ranking is content quality. So the foremost and basic thing that we should ensure is that our webpages that we want to rank better for selective keywords should have quality content on those keywords. Content should be such that it can solve queries of people reading it. It should be engaging plus visitors should be happy to share your content on social networking websites.

Click here to know more about SEO

Inorganic results ranking- Inorganic results or paid advertisements can be created using Google’s advertising program known as Adwords. You can sign up with AdWords, also commonly known as PPC ads, and create search advertising campaigns. While creating a campaign you will have to add keywords on which you are willing to run advertisements.

However, creating an ad campaign does not guarantee a good rank of your ad. We must optimize our campaigns as per AdWords AdRank algorithm. It may take some experience and deep understanding to ensure a good position of your ad on competitive keywords where there are many advertisers willing to run their ads on same keyword.

Learn more about Google AdWords here

If you want to become an expert in Adwords advertising then kindly click here

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a very common term, yet most of us are not able to understand and do it the way it is supposed to be done.

Social media mainly refers to social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. Our prospects daily spend time on some of these, if not all, networking websites to connect with their friends, colleagues, acquaintances and to build new relationships. Facebook alone is having 1.2 billion users out of which 35% are online any time of the day and 113 million Facebook users are from India.

When our prospects spend so much time on these few websites then why do we search for them elsewhere? Identifying your potential buyers, building connections, communicating, engaging, building a brand image is what social media marketing is. However, most of the marketers use social platforms to push a lot of information to their connections and that’s where things start going wrong.

Social media is a very big canvas and success depends on how you paint it. It is not just about sales. It is to let people know what your brand is all about…. What is your brand culture, making people feel connected with your brand, let people know that you value their connection, producing content what people would love to read. This will result in better brand awareness, trust and sales. But if you think that getting in few Facebook likes on your page and then killing people with your sales messages is the way to go then it is a short term strategy and also a thing of past.

Click here to read about how to market your business on Facebook

Click here to read about how to market your business on Twitter

Click here to read about how to market your business on LinkedIn

Click here to read about how to market your business on YouTube

Email Marketing

Email is the oldest way of doing digital marketing yet remains one of the most effective. Email marketing is a way of doing marketing online which includes sending an email or multiple emails to a list of email ids. Email marketing is categorized in two types-

  • Permission based email marketing (opt-in or double opt-in)
  • Non permission based email marketing (Spamming)

Permission based email marketing (opt-in or double opt-in)- When visitors register with their email Id on your website, or any other visibility platform like Facebook, to get a free trial or subscribe to blog newsletter and you shoot them emails, then this known as permission based marketing.

Non permission based email marketing (Spamming)- When you send bulk emails using any software or other service to email id’s of people who never registered to receive emails from your end then this form of email marketing is known as non permission based email marketing or spamming. Spamming is also a punishable offence in countries like US. However, doing spamming has become tougher and tougher over the years, thanks to extra smart spam filters of email service providers like Gmail and Yahoo.

Content marketing

Content marketing is a way of attracting and reaching potential customers by writing & sharing compelling content. Content shared is closely related to the products or services you offer.

Content marketing is done to increase visibility, bring more targeted traffic, and convert traffic into leads and sales by increasing trust and authority.

Content marketing is part of inbound marketing strategy.

Some of the ways to do content marketing is-

  • Article writing- Reports, case study, News, how to guides, Interviews
  • Examples from industry
  • Answering questions
  • Daily experiences and learning
  • Guest posting
  • Ebooks
  • Infographic
  • Podcasts
  • Videos
  • Advanced guides
  • PPT
  • Webinars
  • Humor content
  • Reports
  • E-magazines
  • Quilting content
  • Mobile marketing

Online Reputation Management-

Also known as ORM is a process of monitoring and improving a brands image by countering, weakening or pushing back negative comments, if any, by posting positive content that ranks high in search engines and social media.

Experts also call it as controlling what ranks in search engines when someone searches your name or your company’s name.

Tools that helps ORM-

  • Setting up Google Alerts
  • Social mention
  • Trackur
  • Reputation

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a process where an individual, known as affiliate or publisher, gets associated with one or more businesses and increase traffic, leads or sales for the business (advertiser) through his/her marketing efforts. In return the business rewards the affiliate by paying commission for the leads generated or sales delivered.

There are 3 partied involved in affiliate marketing-

  • Advertiser, the business
  • Affiliate
  • Affiliate network/agency

Affiliate network or agency acts as a middleman between advertiser and affiliate.

Though, sales and leads are the most common type of action being delivered by affiliates for businesses but, there are many other types of campaigns like CPC, CPL, CPS, CPT, PPC, Hybrid, etc.

To know more about how to do digital marketing yourself I would strongly recommend to watch this 3 hours training session on digital marketing and its process. This video will also explain how you can work as a freelance digital marketer and make money online.

Case Studies

Startups, SME’s and big brands are nowadays using digital marketing to leverage Internet as a platform to increase their brand awareness with sales.

Here are some case studies on how some companies used digital marketing for their good:

1-   How Xiaomi became most valued startup across the world in just 5 years?

2-   How Fashion and You lost its No.1 position in Indian fashion e-commerce industry?

3-   Delhivery: Know how a group of friends stood a business of worth INR 500+ crores?

4-   How MakeMyTrip became leader in Online Travel Agency?

5-   How Justdial became a Billion Dollar Company?

6-   How made a name for itself in competitive Indian e-commerce industry?

7-   CARDEKHO: How landed on the Platform?

8-   Olacabs: From an Idea to $1 Billion in Revenue

9-    How ShopClues set up its benchmark in Indian e-commerce industry?

10-  Zomato: An Indian Startup acquiring the world

DSIM Editorial Team
The DSIM Editorial Team is a group of passionate digital marketing experts dedicated to providing insightful, high-quality content on the latest trends, strategies, and tools in the digital marketing industry. As part of the Delhi School of Internet Marketing (DSIM), the team focuses on delivering valuable information to help aspiring marketers, entrepreneurs, and business professionals enhance their digital skills. With years of combined experience in SEO, social media, content marketing, and paid advertising, the DSIM Editorial Team ensures that each piece of content is designed to educate and empower readers to succeed in the fast-paced world of digital marketing.

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