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It is the every business owner’s dream to be at the top of search engines. However, online marketing has significantly changed over years with the emergence of new domains on the internet letting us to change the way we interact and businesses market their product. The emergence of Social media outlets like facebook has empowered us with new smart marketing ways by creating a platform where businesses can reach a larger audience.

Launched in February 2004, facebook has gained immense popularity in a very short span of time as a social networking website. As of now it has more than one billion active users among which half the crowd use facebook on mobile devices, which is a wonderful message for brands out there looking to increase their reach. This is why more and more brands are creating their fan page on a facebook to put up an online presence across the web.

How to Engage Fans on Facebook

Today when almost everybody are present on different social media outlets, what is there that makes a difference and decides for somebody to be a big success and rest just aspiring to be that. Every one of us very well know that social media makes the marketing application more effective and result oriented. However, very few of us know how to best utilize it for the ultimate results. Engaging fans and followers through social media network is an art but not a rocket science that it cannot be cracked by everyone. You are just a few miles away from the destiny. So gear up and master this art.

There are n numbers of ways you can engage users on your social media outlet. Let me present you nine primaries of them.

1. Personalization

People talk about everything on Facebook from their day at the office to the latest movie that they saw. Hence, make it more personal while dealing on Facebook. It makes your fan feel more connected to your brand.

2. Use visuals

Photo albums, pictures and videos are more likely to increase people engagement on social media networks. They make your content more catchy and interesting.

3. Start a Contest

Running a contest on Facebook is a wonderful idea however at the same time you must abide by the specific guidelines of running contest there. Attach the deal with the content while the contest. Make it more like a brand related quiz.

4. Be comic

Crack a joke, play a prank and create some humor through your post. Comedy helps you connect to the audience.

5. Be Receptive

Most of the marketers do not respond to the comments made by the users however they should squeeze out time from their schedule to do that. Your fans will be pleased and it is an easy way to increase user engagement and create lasting relationship.

6. Post at most favorable time

Consider audience demographic before posting anything. Suppose your audience are mostly active on the social media outlet in the evening and your post was submitted somewhere around 10 in the morning and no one is around to see it, then that’s a waste of both time and intellect. As so much content is posted every day it is not easy for users to scroll down and see the older posts all the time.

7. Talk about current events

Discuss about what’s new and burning be it the Valentine’s Day or something happened somewhere say a news.

8. Ask open-ended questions

Ask some open ended questions while conveying your point and spreading the information among the people and let your fans vent out.

9. Identify your audience

Try identifying your audience and their taste. What do they like, what do they love to talk about and so on. Know about their gender, ages and likes & dislikes and accordingly promote your product.

Moreover, the idea is that how much you research. The more you research, the better you deal on Facebook. Hence, keep researching and developing new ideas instead of repeating yourself unnecessarily.

However, if you are a beginner and looking for a learner’s guide to Facebook , you can visit our article on this here where we have explained it in detail.

I believe after going through this article getting started with Facebook must have become a little easier. Still, I would say research is the word that you can go with anytime. The moment your Facebook account is live and you have your hands on it, you will gradually get to grasp everything. So, play with it, do as much research as you can.

Five Easy Ways to Boom with Facebook Adverting!

What do we know about advertising on Facebook? Facebook delivers your ads to the targeted audience and get paid for it by you. Suppose you are running an accessories’ shop and you want your advertisement to be displayed on facebook and those who are interested in accessories should see it. So you created the ad and sent it to the Facebook describing who should see your ad. Facebook shows your ad if users are interested in accessories. That is how advertisers reach users without getting users’ private information being shared by Facebook.

Ads on Facebook show up according to the activities users do there such as liking a page, following a brand and so on. Let’s go ahead and learn how to leverage Faceboook advertising to accomplish the best results.

1) Segment your targeting!

Facebook marketing offers you the segmentation feature under which you can reach exactly the part of the crowd you wish to, which makes your advertising a lot more effective. You can tell your story to exactly them who are already interested in it. Hence, make your targeting more specified to get more detailed and accurate information. However, to come to that fact that which add is relevant for what demographic pattern you need to test it against different demographics.

2) Present the best content!

Every day you watch so many ads in magazine, newspaper, on TV and on web what is there that will make your ad stand out. Surely it’s the content which includes title, body text and the image. Optimize your ads for the best results. Present the most immaculate and good content through your ad to the masses. Using an image representing your product draws attention of the viewers. Take care about the language and the fonts. Don’t have grammatical errors or inappropriate fonts. However, one of the most important points is to include “call to action”. Don’t forget to have “call to action” in the text for user to land to the most informative and useful page of your website for more information or buying intentions.

3) Investigate and Test to run your ads!

One remarkable fact about facebook marketing is that your ads show different results on different days of the week. The most notable difference is between weekdays and weekends. Hence, please go ahead and try to identify when the ads are most profitable by running your ads on different days and on different times.

4) Manage your budget astutely

It is not wise to lower the maximum bid too much as you might end up losing all bidding with a too low max bid price. People who spend relatively more time on facebook are more likely to generate a lot of impressions to facebook which is why they are less responsive to your ads as they see a lot of them. What facebook does here, it will show your ads to these users if you have a low max bid, which affects your CTR negatively. Hence, we will advise you to test different max bid sizes and scrutinize how that affects your CTR.

5) Track the Conversions

Don’t forget to measure the ROI while going ahead with facebook advertising. Although facebook won’t show you which ad generated what sale however, you can go with the conversion tracking solution offered by Google analytics.
These were some of the ways you can follow to make it with facebook advertising. Facebook advertising can bring a lot of revenue to your business however; you should know the ways to extract the best out of resources you have applied.


“So now when you have a wonderful tool and on top of that you know handling it, you should not vacillate in taking off to the journey which is all so more result-centric!”

Facebook has really changed the way you market your product making it far more efficient and easy. Adding more to its ubiquity Facebook is accessible on all mobile devices such as smart phones and other Internet-equipped handhelds. With innumerable people sharing distinguished interests Facebook lets you to have something for everyone and somebody for every product. All you need to do is to target the right audience and promote your product respectively. Moreover, by offering you with a number of tools that are required to reach these people Facebook makes your task quite easier and exciting.

DSIM Editorial Team
The DSIM Editorial Team is a group of passionate digital marketing experts dedicated to providing insightful, high-quality content on the latest trends, strategies, and tools in the digital marketing industry. As part of the Delhi School of Internet Marketing (DSIM), the team focuses on delivering valuable information to help aspiring marketers, entrepreneurs, and business professionals enhance their digital skills. With years of combined experience in SEO, social media, content marketing, and paid advertising, the DSIM Editorial Team ensures that each piece of content is designed to educate and empower readers to succeed in the fast-paced world of digital marketing.