About Mahindra Homestays
The unique selling point of a Mahindra Homestay is that travelers receive an original experience in each one, and a more authentic, rewarding and ‘real’ experience of India than they might otherwise get in a hotel.
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• In order to seed the blog content, answer customer enquiries and push fans to the main site at any relevant opportunity an attractive Facebook page with intelligent use of apps and features was created. User-centric initiatives such as our Photo of the Month contest were taken.
• A Twitter page was created to accomplish the same goals as that of Facebook and also to build relationships with travel journalists, bloggers and travelers across the world. Participated in relevant discussions on Twitter.
• 26 videos including host-led tours of accommodation as well as a short Kerala travelogue from some well-regarded UK travel writers were created and uploaded on YouTube.
• Currently 10-20% of all blog visitors navigate to the main site and are more engaged that other types of referrals.
• On average a blog visitor spends 50% more time on the site and visits 35% more pages.
• Links to new blog content are being retweeted by a number of high profile followers that provides peaks in traffic.
• Within one year there were 30,000 visits to their fan page.
• They received over 21,586 views on YouTube. Mahindra Homestays videos dominate the search results on the leading keyword term ‘India homestays’.
Learn from real practitioners not just trainers.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents