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Google AdWords is introducing a new set of performance insights specifically for click-to-message ads.

Click-to-message ads were introduced in late 2016 to give advertisers a new and easier way to engage with consumers and as the name suggests, it allows searches to message back and forth with a business.

Now, AdWords is rolling out Message Reporting over the next few weeks to help advertisers in the U.S., Canada, U.K., France, Brazil and Australia analyze and improve the performance of their click-to-message ads.

message report

Google AdWords ‘Message Reporting’ contains the following insights:
  • Chat rate: How often users start a conversation with you (“Chats”) after seeing your message extension (“Message impressions”).
  • Chat start time: Timestamps indicating when searchers initiated conversations; use this insight to help schedule your message extensions.
  • Messages: The total number of messages exchanged between you and a user within a single chat. Use this insight to evaluate which campaigns are driving the longest or most in-depth conversations compared to the average.

Example: A furniture retailer sees that in one campaign, chats tend to last for fifteen messages, which is more than double the average. It discovers that users are actually dropping off once sales representative requests payment information. Using this insight, it decides to give users the option of transferring to a phone call or web form to complete the transaction.

Message reporting will be available in the next few weeks to advertisers in the US, Australia, Canada, Brazil, France, and the United Kingdom.

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