Automated bidding is for advertisers for scaling consumer journeys to become more composite.
Marketers use automated bidding to scale as consumer journeys become more composite. In fact, over 70% of all marketers use Google Ads automated bidding today.
Google introduced Target Impression Share in November 2018 where the brand is showing up when consumers are performing imperative searches.
Target Impression Share provides more flexible and strong controls to optimize for your needful impression share and search page location. And you can use “Absolute top impression share” or “Top impression share” so that you can aim for the top of the page utilizing Target Impression Share.
Starting in late June, marketers would no more able to add new Target Search Page Location or Target Outranking share bid strategies. Later this year, current campaigns still utilizing these strategies will automatically be shifted to the Target Impression Share strategy on the basis of earlier target locations and historical impression share.