Why do you advertise your business?
To generate awareness about it among your target audiences! Right?
So, your main goal of advertising is to generate brand awareness because that is how people will know your business, come to you and buy your product and service.
But then one thing that is as important as your advertising is your budget and that you need to take care of it as well.
There are two ways you can advertise your product either through offline i.e. traditional marketing or through online i.e. digital marketing.
But then, it is as obvious as that you will invest your moolahs in the medium that’s going to give you best returns for it. A recent study revealed that advertising cost involved in digital marketing is almost 61% less than that of traditional and that too for a more efficient and targeted marketing of your business.
There are various channels in digital marketing that need not any extra expenses from you if you know the tactics and can do it yourself. You just need to leverage the power of internet, connect to the people and generate the need for your product in them. While in traditional marketing, no matter what, you need to make investments and that too relatively very high.
Let’s see how you can employ digital marketing to save up to 61% of your marketing expenses.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Pay-Per-Click (PPC)/Google AdWords
Social media
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Email Marketing
Advertising happens to be one of the most crucial things for your business and overlooking it will seldom get you good results. Put across the right way, you marketing message has the ability to influence your audiences in a way that they might go crazy about your product or service. All you need to do is to shoot the right message to the right audience and that is what you can easily do in digital marketing and that too saving 61% of your advertising expense.
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