An Interview with Mr. Ashish Gupta, Associate Director at Media company and DSIM’s Ex-Trainee
He shares with us how digital marketing helped him in understanding digital space.
Q1. Hi Ashish, you are working in a media company, so what is your designation and what all projects are you handling at your job?
Ans. I am working with a media company as an associate director in hardcore sale. I am looking to channel distribution
Q2.Great! Tell us, what made you go for a digital marketing training?
Ans. I am in hardcore sales. I want to change my domain from sales to marketing. That’s why I joined DSIM.
Q3. Ashish, what do you think is the scope of digital marketing?
Ans. Digital Marketing has huge scope. Digital marketing is a different way of thinking about how people engross with media, each other and the world around them. Digital allows you to segment your audience and customize messages in a valuable and determinate way.
Q4. Nicely explained Ashish! How was your overall training experience and how would you rate the trainers @ DSIM?
Ans. It is an outstanding experience. The courses are pretty effective and efficient. Trainers train on topics what all need to know. DSIM gives you professional tools to use in the real world. I like to give 9 out of 10 for DSIM trainers. Trainers are knowledgeable. The trainers are pretty straight forward and very helpful and accessible.
Q5. So, before we finish it up, do you have any message for the mass especially the young job seekers?
Ans. I recommend them to do digital marketing. Digital marketing is a very powerful tool. In digital, you can see exactly how various campaigns are performing, which channels bring the most profit, and where your efforts are best focused.
Mr. Ashish Gupta completed his Digital marketing training from Delhi School of Internet Marketing in January 2016.
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