A trial has been launched by Bing Ads on app install ads.
When the search ads, displayed in the advertisement will be tapped, then viewer will be directed to the apps download page. This is only available for iOS and Andriod apps. It does not support applications running on windows phone.
The conversion tracking is accessible through Bing’s approved partners (Appsflyer, Apsalar, Kochava and Tune). These install ads will straightly link you to Google Play Store on Andriod and Apple app store on iOS.
This test change is only working in the web interface, for Bulk Upload and in the API. It is unavailable for Bing Ads Editor. An App install ad option is there in the ad type field of the interface to create new ads. It also includes smart targeting option, ads will automatically detect whether the user is an iOS user or an android user and direct accordingly.
For now only US users will be able to access this change of app install ads in Bing Ads. The post about this new test first appeared on Search Engine Land.