The messenger bots was introduced in April 2016. There are more than 34,000 bots in the market; Facebook is introducing an analytics tool which will provide details to the makers that how people are interacting using it. In order to improve the people’s experiences, the stats will be cross referred with people’s Facebook profile.
The developers will be able to use the new branch of Facebook analytics for apps. It will be used the same way as the Facebook’s analytic platform is used for tracking how people are using different websites and apps. This tool is available for free.
The bot makers can specifically track events with this new means. They can keep a record that what kind of message it is; a specific individual message, any other types of message or categories of content present in the message body. They can use Facebook audience insights to divide the viewers to get an idea that to send what message to which people.
With the new addition Facebook is rounding out its analytics platform to compete with companies like Google and Adobe. Facebook Product Manager Josh Twist said that “obviously we’d recommend Facebook Analytics for Apps at this point,”
He also explained the new update with an example stating “If your bot has a purchase stage, you can send a purchase event, send over the value [of the purchase], and then one of the cool things you can do is segment based on behavior. So you can segment the people who made a purchase or the top 10 percent of people who made a purchase by count or value. And then you can use that segment to look at the demographics and really try to understand what is it about these people that makes them more likely to convert,”
If the developers will use Facebook’s analytic tools then they will be able to collect more data about what people are doing with the services.
“We want to roll all of these things together so you can understand the complete customer journey,”