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tumblr-facts 1) Date of Tumblr Launch: February 2007

2) Number of Tumblr users: 550 million monthly users

3) Number of Tumblr Blogs: 280.4 million blogs

4) Average Daily Tumblr Signups: 120,000

5) Number of Tumblr Posts: 129.7 billion posts

6) Average number of daily Tumblr posts: 53.3 million

7) Average Tumblr visit length: 28 minutes

8) Total Monthly Tumblr Visitors (Global): 199.1 million

9) Percentage of Tumblr’s audience that access it through a mobile device: 78%

10) Tumblr mobile engagement growth from 2012-2013: 251%

11) Number of times the average Tumblr post is reblogged: 14 times

12) Revenue per visit from Tumblr referrals: $.70

13) Tumblr’s most reblogged Food of 2015: cake

14) Tumblr’s most reblogged Book of 2015: The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

15) Tumblr’s most reblogged City of 2015: New York City

16) Tumblr’s most reblogged Liberal art of 2015: feminism

17) Tumblr’s most reblogged News topic of 2015: Black Lives Matter

18) Tumblr’s most reblogged Media blog of 2015: BuzzFeed’s Tumblr

19) Most reblogged Fashion trend on Tumblr in 2015: Grunge

20) Most reblogged Fashion brand on Tumblr in 2015: Nike

21) Tumblr’s most reblogged Talk show hosts of 2015: Jon Stewart

22) Tumblr’s most reblogged Pop culture topic of 2015: Zayn leaves One Direction

23) Most reblogged Author on Tumblr in 2015: John Green

24) Tumblr’s most reblogged Politicians of 2015: Barack Obama

25) Most reblogged Reality star on Tumblr in 2015: Kylie Jenner

26) Most reblogged Models on Tumblr in 2015: Kendall Jenner

27) Most reblogged Actor on Tumblr in 2015: Chris Evans

28)Most reblogged Actress on Tumblr in 2015: Zandaya

29) Most reblogged Athletes on Tumblr in 2015: Serena Williams

30) Most reblogged Band on Tumblr in 2015:5 Seconds of summer

31) Most reblogged Solo Musician on Tumblr in 2015: Taylor Swift

32) Most reblogged Music Album on Tumblr in 2015: Blurryface by Twenty One Pilots

33) Most reblogged Movie on Tumblr in 2015: The Avengers: Age of Ultron

34) Most reblogged Video game on Tumblr in 2015: Pokemon

35) Most reblogged Sports on Tumblr in 2015: Hockey

36) Most reblogged Meme on Tumblr in 2015: Pepe the Frog

DSIM Editorial Team
The DSIM Editorial Team is a group of passionate digital marketing experts dedicated to providing insightful, high-quality content on the latest trends, strategies, and tools in the digital marketing industry. As part of the Delhi School of Internet Marketing (DSIM), the team focuses on delivering valuable information to help aspiring marketers, entrepreneurs, and business professionals enhance their digital skills. With years of combined experience in SEO, social media, content marketing, and paid advertising, the DSIM Editorial Team ensures that each piece of content is designed to educate and empower readers to succeed in the fast-paced world of digital marketing.