
In one way or another, we know that social media is important. But do you know why social media platforms such as Google+, Facebook, and Twitter are crucial?

Now, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What’s their purpose?
  • How can they affect your bottom line?
  • What can they do for you?

Anything that affects your business’ bottom line, you need to ask yourself ‒ what’s the point?

Do social media boost your sales?

The answer is a resounding “yes.” Social media can bring your business revenue, and even help you bring in more sales. Social media, when used correctly, can boost your rankings in Google search results.

In this post, we’ve cited seven simple ways on how social media, on a basic level, can boost your rankings in search engines like Google, helping cement your business online.

These will bring a positive effect on your website such as improving brand awareness, customer relationships, SEO, and ultimately, sales.

Grows your following

Your total number of followers, as well as the connections that you get on social media, can have a significant effect on your search rankings. A small company that has only about 100 followers wouldn’t receive as much ranking bonus as a company with at least a million Facebook or Twitter followers.

But the thing is, Google can still detect the quality of your followers. Meaning, 200,000 proxy Twitter followers won’t be doing anything for your organic rankings. That’s why it’s crucial that you build your following organically rather than have fake accounts follow you.


Initially, it’s expected that it will be a slow process, but it will be effective as long as you’re consistent.

Ideally, you need to present your brand in a way that it comes off as authentic and consistent. Use the same brand voice to update your audience regularly.

Be open to discussions and inquiries, post helpful tips, and publish articles that are useful. Always follow up with your audience by directly engaging them into the conversation.

According to a ppc agency in NY, “Conversations and direct engagements with customers are the keys to building a sizable following. It also encourages your existing followers to return, and even create your authority with brand new, prospective followers.”

“Sharing is caring”

Social sharing has a significant effect on the authority of your brand, the same way that links do.

For most search engines, a signal from an external source that validates your content or brand is already grounds for improvement in your domain authority.

Meaning, if you can get at least five people to share your Facebook post then great. If you can get at least a thousand users to share it, then even better. All of these ‒ retweets, likes, replies, shares, and favorites all lead to increased authority.


The best way to improve social sharing is to appeal to it directly. For instance, you can offer a reward for people who shared your post, such as an entry to a big prize.

Interactive surveys are also great because it stirs people to “like” a post if they agree with you on a particular issue.

This should be a self-perpetuating cycle. Meaning, the more people that you get to share your content, the more people you’ll win over, the more followers you have, and the more shares you’ll even get.

Eventually, you’re bound to grow your traffic, and your search engine rankings as well.

Do content promotion

It’s easy to create high-quality content, but you won’t be gaining traction without amplification.

While email marketing is an excellent way to amplify content, you’ll be only reaching people in your marketing database.

Social media lets you reach a broader audience with your content. Once you’ve shared your content with your audience, in turn, they’ll also share it with their following if ever they find your content useful.

The moment that these people share your content within their own following, this further improves your reach. As a result, you’ll be gaining a lot of inbound traffic, social signals, inbound links, and brand awareness. All of these are taken into consideration by the search engines to determine the quality of your content.

If you want to marry your content with your social media, even more, come up with images or videos with quotes, or snippets from your latest blog posts and share them together with your link.

In fact, visual marketing has significantly played a better role both in strategy and implementation.

Boosts brand awareness

For some, this might seem like a branding advantage than an SEO advantage, but the SEO benefits are prominent.

When you improve your reputation on social media, either through engagement or high-quality content, this will ultimately boost your brand presence online.

Once you build a solid online presence, it eventually leads to more branded searches on Google. Thus, the more brand searches you get, the more likely that you’ll rank for keywords that are non-branded.

While it’s a relatively complex relationship, it starts with a strong brand presence on social media and ends with wider search visibility. A sure way to boost your brand authority over time is to give your target audience a quality experience.

Also, by posting content that’s relevant and informative, you’ll be able to boost your brand awareness efforts to those who are looking for your brand and services online.

Getting more awareness means more brand searches on search engines. Thus, you might earn a backlink or two in the process.

The power of influencers

Influencer marketing is valuable for your brand and its SEO efforts because it helps you boost brand awareness, traffic, and sales.

But what’s the concept behind it?

Well, to put it simply, an influencer is someone that has influence over a certain network, and hold a certain level of trust for his or her audience. A majority of them post on social media and are considered authorities in their field or niche.


Influencers are there to help boost brand awareness and help you promote your products and services more effectively just like paid advertising.

Creates link building opportunities

Inbound links are vital, especially when it comes to improving SEO performance, getting traffic, improving brand exposure, and acquiring incoming links.

Utilizing social media for link building isn’t a new concept, but the thing is, it’s not utilized in its full potential. But considering how cheaper it is as compared to the other options, it makes sense that you have to be aware of how social media can benefit your SEO.

Here are some tips on how you can do link building on social media:
  • Create a Twitter account and listen: If you don’t have one already, create a Twitter account and listen to what people are saying. That will keep you up to date of what’s happening in your local area. Follow closely your competitor and followers. What are they talking about?
  • Create relationships: Social media is all about building relationships, and building links are no different. At the end of the day, you want a certain level of influence over webmasters and editors to publish your link. But this won’t happen if you don’t start off right. As much as you can, don’t automate your replies, be authentic, personal, and as engaging as possible.
  • Know the people that you want to connect with: Think about the people that you want to engage with, which can help you earn a valuable link back to your site.
  • Post content that immediately gets their attention and adds value: When it comes to crafting content, let your audience’s interest be your guide. If there’s no interest, then don’t post the content. It’s that simple.

The attention you’re getting from your audience, all the shares, and likes, all builds social proof, which adds more credibility to your content, making you look even more trustworthy. As a result, there’s a good chance that you’ll be getting quality links.

  • Outreach: Why not outreach directly on social media? For instance, you can tweet relevant influencers your content, or even comment on their tweet. You have to be determined and put in the time and effort.

Social media in link building is like a conversation. It’s a slowly developing relationship that, if managed properly, can give you significant returns when it comes to SEO link building.

Social indexing

Search engines have been indexing social media profiles for years, meaning they now show up on the pages of search results. This lets your brand show up on search results for branded search queries other than your website.

Over to You

What was discussed is crucial in building a successful social media campaign. But just like with other SEO strategies, it all boils down to one principle ‒ the better experience that you’re giving your users, the higher you’ll be ranking on Google.

Having a keen understanding of the effects of social media on SEO will help you better manage your campaign. Moreover, you’re giving your audience the best user experience as possible, making it an extensive channel for prospective customers to find your brand.

Author Bio:

[thrive_testimonial name=”” company=”” image=””]Kevin Urrutia is the founder of Voy Media, a PPC Agency in NY. He helps businesses maximize the benefits of Facebook Advertising, leading to a dramatic improvement in sales while pushing down costs. Voy Media thoroughly studies each client and comes up with tailor-fit solutions to bring about the best results.[/thrive_testimonial]

DSIM Editorial Team
The DSIM Editorial Team is a group of passionate digital marketing experts dedicated to providing insightful, high-quality content on the latest trends, strategies, and tools in the digital marketing industry. As part of the Delhi School of Internet Marketing (DSIM), the team focuses on delivering valuable information to help aspiring marketers, entrepreneurs, and business professionals enhance their digital skills. With years of combined experience in SEO, social media, content marketing, and paid advertising, the DSIM Editorial Team ensures that each piece of content is designed to educate and empower readers to succeed in the fast-paced world of digital marketing.

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