“If you love your job, you don’t have to work even for a single day in your life and you still get paid!”
-Kunal Choudhary, Digital marketer, Public speaker and trainer at DSIM
But the idea is there so many things that keep coming and fascinate us making us feel that this is the one that we were hunting for and most of the times they land you up in a situation when you feel why the hell did you stepped in it even. This is what! Identifying a career, a job you love is very important but what’s more important is identifying it correctly! It shouldn’t just be a craze but a well thought out step.
“Digital Marketer” is a job title that can be the one however again, if that suits you, your lifestyle and nature.
Based on the traits of the most successful digital marketers of the world, here are 7 signs that tell you have it in you to start a successful career in digital marketing.
1) You can’t just do without the Social Media
2) Internet is the destination you frequent quite frequently
3) Google happens to be the first one to approach to get a solution
You can indubitably handle your digital marketing ventures capably on your own, if you approach Google before approaching your friends/colleagues in case you need a solution, an answer. This is what digital marketing requires you to do to accomplish a lot of tasks.
4) You think and act innovative
5) You always wanted to become an entrepreneur but limited resources & funding were holding you back
6) Hard work is good but smart work is your approach
If you weigh relationships very high and think that they are something that can build the world then digital marketing is the one for you, for they build your business as well. The web is all about what it’s all about- the human relationships! Brands connect people, interact with them and engage them on web. So, here your way is actually the highway! 🙂
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