
A landing page is the most efficient way to convert prospects and turn them into full-time leads and customers. However, it’s not easy to craft a compelling landing page that perfectly combines all elements to form a meaningful unit. There is just no universal formula because different businesses have different starting positions.

Landing pages can target all sorts of audiences, drive opposing actions, and promote different products across various industries. In such circumstances, it’s not surprising to see that only about 22% of businesses are satisfied with their conversion rates.

But is there a way to make landing page design a little easier? Are there any general rules that can lead you through the process regardless of the niche? The answer to both questions is: Yes.

We will show you the benefits of creating a landing page, things to do before you start crafting it, and five basic techniques to make the final product super-effective. Let’s begin!

The Benefits of Having a Great Landing Page

Successful marketers tend to create a landing page for each new product or service. They do it to maximize the effect of marketing campaigns since landing pages generate a few substantial benefits:

  • Increase conversions: The first advantage is obvious because the ultimate goal is to drive conversions this way.
  • Raise awareness: Another goal of a landing page is to promote new products or special offers, so it helps you to raise awareness.
  • SEO: Landing pages are keyword-rich, which means they usually rank highly among Google searches. It gives you more visibility and increases the authority of your website.
  • Quality content: Every landing page needs quality content. You design it bearing in mind the expectations of the target audience, giving them exactly the type of content they need at the given point.

Things to Consider Before Creating a Landing Page

Before we present you the most important rules on how to design a landing page, there are some preparation tasks to complete.

First of all, you need to analyze the target audience in order to make the corresponding content. After all, it’s not the same whether you target high school kids or middle-aged men. Secondly, you have to prepare a list of keywords that perfectly reflect the average prospect’s search patterns. Use tools such as Google Keyword Planner to detect trendy words and phrases in your niche.

Social proofs are another thing you need to think about. Word of mouth can do miracles for your business, but you have to plan it carefully and combine testimonials with other components of the landing page.

The objective is to achieve maximum simplicity, avoiding content abundance. Less is more when it comes to landing page design, so make sure to respect this rule in the process.

Practical Tips for Making a Quality Landing Page

Now that you know the basics of landing page design, it is time to focus on practical creation tips and techniques. We made a list of five essential steps:

1) Write an Outstanding Headline

A headline is the first users see when they enter a landing page. For this reason, you have to write an outstanding title that instantly reveals the purpose of the content.

Headlines need to be short and concise, so make sure to avoid long and complex constructions. Use up to 10 words to make a solid statement – everything more than that will probably be too complicated, while there is always a danger that smartphone or tablet users won’t enjoy the scene.

Besides keyword planning tools, we also encourage you to use title creation apps such as CoSchedule Headline Analyzer. With this platform at your disposal, you can test different solutions and ultimately create a headline that really drives user engagement. Besides that, you have to consider subheadings.

While headlines are meant to be short and effective, subheadings allow you to write a little bit more about the product or service. This is where you can support title statements by rationalizing the subject and presenting evidence to convince prospects that your offer is totally legit.

2) Add Attractive Images

Marketers know that human brain processes visual information much faster than plain textual content, which is why they always add images to landing pages. This element gives you the opportunity to tell a lot about the offer without using too many words.

Sandra Smith, a web designer at AssignmentGeek, says visual content is particularly important if you are promoting a physical product: “In this case, adding high-quality product photos is mandatory because you need to show the product and let the audience familiarize with it. On the other hand, human faces usually work well while promoting services.”

Speaking of landing page visuals, you probably noticed that we highlight the importance of image quality and attractiveness. We do it because images really have the power to make or break your conversion hopes. Therefore, you cannot allow yourself to create low-quality visuals or to use generic stock photos.

The former case is pretty much self-explanatory, but the latter actually makes a lot of marketers confused. Stock images are supposed to generate as many downloads as possible, which means they are suitable for many different purposes. On the other hand, a landing page demands highly specific visuals that perfectly reflect your offer, so you have to create images that fulfill this marketing goal.

3) Demonstrate Problems and Solutions

In essence, landing pages utilize psychological hacks to inspire prospects to complete the desired action. There are all sorts of tricks to exploit here, but it all comes down to one simple process: presenting the problem and demonstrating how your product or service resolves this issue.

The tactic is also known as the BAB strategy (Before-After-Bridge) and consists of three steps:
  • Describe the problem: This is where you briefly explain the issue your prospects are dealing with frequently. If you are selling an email marketing platform, then you will probably focus on the problem of increasing click-through rates and engagement.
  • Show the situation once the problem is resolved: In this phase, you tell users the ideal outcome. For instance, you say that email automation software is going to help them run more efficient email marketing campaigns.
  • Explain how to make a bridge between the first two: This part discusses your products and how it leads from problems to solutions. In our email marketing example, you will probably conclude that your software increases email open rates by 24% and drives twice as many conversions on average.

4) Add a Powerful CTA Button

A call to action (CTA) is the ultimate indicator of landing page authority because it all comes down to how many users actually decide to engage with your offer. This is why you need to treat CTAs as a separate and special segment of your landing page.

Being such an important component, it is clear that CTA has to be highly visible. Make it somewhat bigger than other webpage elements and place it in a way that enables CTA to grab the attention of the visitor immediately.

Of course, color selection plays a major role in this field. Choosing the perfect CTA color is a science of its own, but you can probably come up with a logical guess on your own. The most important thing is to create a contrast between the background and the CTA.

The usual suspects are red, yellow, green, and orange – bright colors that easily stand out from the webpage surroundings. However, you need to calculate other factors such as the branding stylebook, other landing pages images, and background colors.

Additionally, try to create an engaging copy that really inspires prospects to take action. Avoid generalizations like “Subscribe” or “Join” because they sound worn out and lazy. Instead, go for the more interesting solutions like “Follow the Magic” or “Take me there!”

You are free to brainstorm unique solutions, but here are just a few bonus suggestions from our side:
  • Let’s start a new project together
  • Grab that template
  • Discover a cocktail tailored to your taste
  • Claim your free trial

5) Give Users the Chance to Contact You

Ideally, all prospects will click the CTA button and convert, but this is never the case in real life. A small portion of landing page visitors will want to ask you additional questions before engaging, so you need to give them the opportunity to call or send you a message.

Make sure to add contact information to the landing page, including your email, address, and phone number. Besides that, it would be perfect to launch a live chat platform and ensure 24/7 customer support. It won’t only help users learn more about your offer, but also help you to collect customer-related information and use it for future sales activities.


Creating a landing page may seem like a simple task at first, but it actually takes a lot of knowledge and design skills to come up with the perfect solution. The ultimate goal of your design should be to keep landing page elements to the minimum without failing to incorporate any of the fundamental messages.

In this post, we showed you the benefits of landing page construction, told you how to prepare for the project, and presented five ways to craft a compelling final product. Of course, don’t forget to reconsider the peculiarities of your target audience before taking any concrete steps.

We hope this article will help you to make excellent landing pages but feel free to leave a comment if you think we left something out – we will be glad to give you additional explanations!

Author Bio:

[thrive_testimonial name=”” company=”” image=””]Alexandra Reay has been working as a journalist and editor in one of the finest Melbourne publishing agencies for 3 years. She is also a professional content writer who prefers to do research on the following topics – self-improvement, technology innovations, global education development etc. Feel free to contact her at Twitter. [/thrive_testimonial]

DSIM Editorial Team
The DSIM Editorial Team is a group of passionate digital marketing experts dedicated to providing insightful, high-quality content on the latest trends, strategies, and tools in the digital marketing industry. As part of the Delhi School of Internet Marketing (DSIM), the team focuses on delivering valuable information to help aspiring marketers, entrepreneurs, and business professionals enhance their digital skills. With years of combined experience in SEO, social media, content marketing, and paid advertising, the DSIM Editorial Team ensures that each piece of content is designed to educate and empower readers to succeed in the fast-paced world of digital marketing.

2 thoughts on “5 Steps to Compelling and Converting Landing Pages”

  1. Written very softly & effective too, but i think we should add images more connecting to the phrase than attractive image. Thanks for the information.

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