I am sure that you would have tried the skills of email marketing either for personal or professional reasons, probably more for the second.
Yet, there are times when emails land in spam or somewhere else.
I would also not be shocked if you say there was no revert on your mail. I know it’s annoying and unacceptable.
But the hack needed for successful email marketing is possibly not your expertise. Those could be the ways that will guide you for successful email marketing campaigns. Take a look at chosen 5:
#1 Your Emails Missing Targets
When talking to email marketing professionals, the first complain they make, “our emails are lost in the midway, don’t know why?’’.
Their emails may have a decent open and click-through rate, but no revert to them would be taken as a failure.
Well, coming to the point, successful email campaigns are strategically prepared and involve the input of email validation.
Even though it’s overlooked but makes sure that your emails reach their destinations successfully and also improvise the accuracy of stats.
If you want to approve all your emails and perk up your sender score, then Andrew Blazewicz, Email Checker co-founder, behind-the-scenes of email validation will be useful.
He says, “Every mail server offers a sender score that ranges between 0 to 100 and higher is your sender score, more will be the number of inbox emails and vice versa”.
I also find this part useful and effective and suggest every email marketer to score the highest.
If you are consistently low, it would be possible that you would be blacklisted by Google and Yahoo like servers.
#2 You Aren’t Aware of Tactics That Would Work Best
Well, it could be possible that your #1 email would land directly in the inbox, but #2 and #3 would probably not. Why?
The problem must be the ill-advised evaluation of the non-performing elements done by the email marketer.
The solution is A/B testing. Companies use software that works MailChimp, an email marketing platform and allow users to find the difference.
It could detect the reason “Is it the title? An embedded image? The CTA?” well A/B tests can show which email parts are hitting the target and which are not.
If you want a consistent email marketing campaigns, make sure your emails are tested enough before sending.
#3 Your Content Isn’t Convincing
Read. Read. Read.
Read your email campaign as much you can after composition. It’s so because the content part of the email won’t be powerful enough to move the needle.
Escalate your email marketing level, redouble the efforts and make your campaigns compelling. You can search various campaign templates and read the title and body construction patterns.
Your thoughtful act and ability to use the right tools can tap into league-leading ROI of emails.
#4 Creative Approach Works?
Well, you might have followed several email marketing templates and blended them to form your Unique one, but it may woes your concern.
I suggest that get a title or subject which has medium length, say 5-6 words and tells everything you are going to pitch in your email.
Now that title must be prepared with enticing and industry-specific words.
You can be creative with your ideas, but to add additional colors to your texts to make it vibrant and noticeable, is totally against professionalism.
Next, don’t add graphics to your mail as the size may hamper the potential of mail. Compose call-to-action mail and send. You can curate your email with the help of creative writing style.
#5 B2B and B2C Emails are Different
Yes and Always!
It could be a huge pitfall if you send a modified B2C mail for B2B purpose. You must create focused and segmented emails with industry-centric content for both industries.
Remember email is still your workhorse for B2B marketing!!!
B2B Email Marketing Example-
B2C Email Marketing Example-
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