Google Ad copy is something that needs pure attention while creating it.
After all, it’s the sole resource that makes an Ad worthy.
But, as there are not too many guidelines for creating an appropriate Ad copy from Google, advertisers try their knowledge to bring the best output.
Hence they make mistakes and won’t get desired results.
Here are 4 Google Ad copy mistakes, if taken proper care of can turn the Ad into a blockbuster.
1) Keyword Stuffing
With every year passed Google has improved its products, but if you’re using the same old method, you can face serious challenges.
Google Ad copy is created using keywords, but the common rule “everything in moderation” is still true here.
Sure, it’s always a struggle to figure out how to completely sum up all you’re offering in a small number of characters. No business person has ever wished to have less space in the Ad copy. But alas, we’re all given the same, tiny amount.
At the same time, Google Ad copy has limited characters to fill the whole content. So advertisers try to include as many keywords they can in the Ad copy. This leads to keyword stuffing.
This isn’t a good idea as searchers look for relevant Ad with keywords that are really focusing on their search. Phrases used in a required number reach users and answer their wants in the most pertinent way.
2) Missing a CTA button on Ad
Call to action is a basic part of modern advertising, and actually, it is a smart advertising procedure.
But, most of the times, advertisers miss or skip this functionality on their Ads. This could be a huge mistake and would cost them a lot.
A fantastic Ad doesn’t drive expected traffic just in the absence of a single button.
You don’t want people just move away in the sake of proper guidance, isn’t it?
A quick two-word phrase would always be beneficial for entire efforts that you did for creating your Ad.
Also, ensure your CTA button is aligning with the format and content of the Ad.
3) Not considering your customer’s goals
Most of the advertisers used to satisfy their own goals through their Ad strategy.
If such would have been the pattern, all of them have been saying “Help Me Make Money!”
You’re not your customers and never try to assume for that. Your customer wouldn’t want the same way you do.
So, focus on what they want and what they search for.
Analyze their search results and bring solutions for their queries. As specific your Ads will be, much better will be the results.
4) Hesitating to try something new
Advertisers don’t try testing anything new for their marketing strategy. They keep revolving around their conventional practices.
Text Ads come in more numbers of shapes and sizes than they used to be. More to it is that they’re changing every day.
The first one has Expanded Text Ads a few years ago. Now, these Ads include a potential third headline and second description.
Consider using new Ad variants as you may not know which can win you luck.
Google Ad copy creation needs a good understanding of online marketing.
If you don’t have that knowledge, you would keep repeating the mistakes as given in this article.
So, have a look at these mistakes and ensure you’re not making from the next move.
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