Trying to improve your Facebook ads relevance score?
Looking to make buzzing Facebook ads to bring positive engagement and social proof?
You will be able to do this with the methods given in this article, but before that let’s know what is Facebook ads relevance score?
What is Facebook Ads Relevance Score?
Facebook ads relevance score is a rating on the scale of 1-10 that determines the effectiveness of Facebook ad receiving by your target audience. If an ad has got 500 impressions, Facebook will generate a relevance score.
This relevance score shows the success of your ad. Higher the rating, more successful is ad receiving and vice-versa.
1) Target Cold Audiences with Lower-Cost and Best Offers
If you have come with an ad, then certainly you would like your customers to take action on it and receive positive feedback and a high relevance score.
So if you directly advertise your product to cold audiences, it is likely that you get a few clicks on your ad and make that purchase.
This leads to low relevance score and low positive feedback.
It would be better to promote lower-value offers, lead magnets, or content to cold audiences.
2) Promote Video through Official Page Posts
Video ads come with a story, but it’s more time-consuming and costly when compared to images, carousels or slideshow ads.
This is why these ads are less in use by the marketers.
If you talk about the popularity of posts on Facebook, then video ads are surely at the apex.
A video ad should be created in supreme quality and thus don’t need to be shot in a studio, but the quality of audio and the lighting must be decent.
If you can afford, hire a professional.
To achieve better results, make your video ads look more like regular Facebook posts.
This technique won’t let you trick anyone; your target audience will still see the small “sponsored” tag by your ad.
This tactic particularly works for video ads. When creating a video ad, you’re able to add a headline and a CTA button, but both these features present your ad as an ad. You would see better results by removing them.
To get better results, publish your video on your Facebook page and then utilize the post to create an ad rather creating the ad within Ads Manager.
Now, go to your ad inside the Ads Manager, highlight it and click on Edit. Now click on Use Existing Post rather than Create Ad.
Now, choose your post which you want to use as your ad.
Then click on down arrow and select your post category from the drop-down list of your Facebook page posts. Your ad is now ready to go.
3) Target a Wider Audience Range
Facebook advertising offers a wide specificity with which you can target your audience.
But, most of the marketers go narrowing their target audience, and that adversely affects the performance of the ad and minimizes their relevance score.
Targeting larger volume of audiences on Facebook has gained importance as the platform has become easier to use.
In the initial phase of ad launch, Facebook will initiate the learning phase.
In the learning phase, the platform will figure out which audience in your target audience is most like to perform your desired action.
Using larger a target audience, Facebook offers more scope to find high-converting segments within it.
The larger audience range will help you improve your low relevance scores.
It is suggested not to target a cold audience of fewer than 100,000, rather prefer cold audiences that include more or at least 250,000.
Of course, this won’t happen always, particularly with local businesses.
Facebook ad relevance score is quite important when you’re big business goals.
There are different ways you can improve your relevance score.
Try these three methods and you can achieve better results.
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