

  1. 51% of people prefer to shop online and 96% of people have made an online purchase in their life.
  2. 67% of Millennials and 56% of Gen Xers prefer to shop on online rather than in-store.
  3. 73% of consumers are more likely to purchase a product or service if they can watch a video explaining it beforehand.
  4. 42% of online shoppers want more testimonials from e-commerce sites.
  5. 53% of buyers say Facebook informs their purchase decisions.
  6. 42% of online customers find recommendations from friends and family influential.
  7. 74% shoppers are unlikely to share a product on social network after purchase.
  8. Email marketing accounts for 20% of traffic driving e-commerce sales.
  9. 23% is the online shopping cart abandonment rate on average.
  10. The top reason for cart abandonment is extra high costs (61%).
  11. 64% consumers want personalized offers from retail brands.
  12. Men reported spending 28% more online than women.
  13. The top reason consumers shop online is the ability to shop 24/7.
  14. Mobile offers are redeemed 10x more frequently than print offers.
  15. Mobile sessions account for 59% of all sessions on ecommerce sites.
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