1) UGC-based ads get 4X higher click-through rates and a 50% drop in cost-per-click than average.
2) 86% of businesses now use user-generated content in their marketing efforts.
3) User-generated videos on YouTube get 10X more views than the content uploaded by brands.
4) UGC results in 29% higher web conversions than campaigns or websites without it.
5) Consumers on average spend 5.4 hours per day with user-generated content.
6) On-site consumer reviews can increase conversions by 74%.
7) 93% of consumers find UGC to be helpful when making a purchasing decision.
8) Social Media contributors have increased by 176 Million in the last year.
9) 70% of consumers trust reviews written by other customers above professionally written marketing content.
10) 64% of customers will not only value online reviews, but will actively seek them out before making a purchasing decision.
11) 48% of customers say that UGC is a great way to discover new products.
12) 71% of consumers feel more comfortable buying a product after researching user generated reviews.
13) Brand engagement increases an average of 28% when users are exposed to a combination of user created product videos and professional content.