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Webinars are a great way to generate high quality leads and to strengthen and build customer relationships. If you are investing your time in hosting a webinar, then you need to promote it too, as the great content of your webinar is of no use unless and until you have audience to hear to it.

Here, we have gathered 11 ways you can follow to ensure that your potential audience actually shows up to your webinar.

1) A topic that Interests your Audience

Always choose your webinar topic wisely, as nobody will take out time to listen to a topic about which they have already heard and read about hundreds of time. While deciding a topic for your webinar, pick out the one which can be explained nicely by a presentation with the help of visuals and verbal explanation.

The main aim of webinar is to attract new leads and nurture existing leads, so deliver a presentation on topic that help you reach your target audience.

2) Set up an Attendee and Registration goal

Setting up a goal is vital as it inspires you to hit it, you keep track of the number of registrants and attendees and this effectively improves your performance. We never know that a person who has registered for the webinar will attend it or not. There are chances that he/she might not attend it. So, you need to set up two specific goals: one for registrants and other one for attendees.

If you have set your attendees goal to 1,000 then you need more than double number of registrations to hit your goal of number of Attendees. People often sign up for webinars and get busy with their life, so it’s your task to remind them about it.

3) Host a Webinar; on the right day, at the right time

It is necessary to host a webinar at a convenient time and right day of the week, so that people can show up. The day, date and time of your webinar needs to be suitable for majority of your viewers. Try and host it on a weekday, as nobody has time to watch a webinar on weekends.

And while deciding an appropriate time, you need to keep time zones in your mind. Figure out the time when most of the people can attend it. If you are facing difficulty to decide the time slot, then you can ask people to suggest a best time slot while signing up.

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4) Create a Useful Landing Page for Webinar

Landing page plays an essential role in converting visitors. Your landing page shouldn’t be confusing; it should direct the people towards registration. The CTA (Call-to-action) button kept on your page for upcoming webinar should be organized and clear to not to divert the attention of the viewers.

Your landing page should clearly display the topic of your webinar, name of the presenter, time and day when it will be hosted, and what people will be able to learn by attending it. And it should give a clear cut idea that what value they are going to gain with it.

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5) Send Webinar Invitation Emails

Do not forget to send an invitation email to your target audience who must be interested in the topic of your presentation. Send the invitation emails to your existing email list, so that you can make them aware about what are you going to offer and teach in your next webinar.

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6) Market it on Social media

Make everyone aware about your upcoming webinar through your social media channels like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Just do not promote it once, as social media moves faster than we imagine. So you need to remind your audience a handful number of times. And, don’t forget to include a link to the webinar on your social media posts.

Pick up a hashtag that is solely dedicated to your upcoming webinar and use that hashtag wherever you promote it like social platforms, emails or landing page.

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7) Ask your Presenters to Promote the Webinar

Your speakers or presenters must be having a different audience from yours, so you can ask them to promote the webinar on social media handles, websites etc. This way you will be able to reach wider range of audience. You can leverage the social connections, email lists, accounts and website of your speaker to make sure that you have a huge audience.

8) Market it through a Blog Post

Utilize your blog for promoting the webinar and the topic it is going to cover. Make your audience excited about the new data and content your audience is going to get in the webinar by creating a launch blog post.

Provide links of your registration landing page in your blog post and you can also include a CTA button below your blog post, so that when people click on it then they get directed towards the sign up form.

9) Send a Thank you and Registration Conformation Mail

It is important to send a conformation mail to the person who has just registered for your webinar to make him sure with his efforts. Till the time he attends the webinar he is just a registrant, make sure you treat him the right way, so that he attends your webinar. Because after all these people took out time of their busy lives to sign up for your webinar, do send a conformation registration mail with a thank you message.

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10) Offer Something Valuable for Free while Promoting

Turn your registrants into excited attendees by offering something that interests them. You can give away free tickets to events, free marketing eBooks and lot more that grabs the attention of your viewers. You can even run a contest and then reward the winner of the contest, this way you can draw large number of audience towards your upcoming webinar.

11) Send Final Reminder Mails

It’s always better to start early promotions of webinar; many people sign up but forget that it’s approaching. So, you need to make sure that you send them reminder emails. You must be organized enough that you mark everything on your calendar but not everyone is as organized as you are that’s the reason you need to send final reminder mails.

Start reminding your registrants that the webinar is approaching, send an email a week ago, a day before and hours before the webinar start. And, do attach a direct link to the webinar in the mail you send on the day of the webinar.

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Hosting a webinar is a daunting process; you need to put in your time and efforts to make it a huge success. And if you want that nobody misses your next webinar, then you must try the above listed 11 ways to make people aware and excited about attending your webinar.

DSIM Editorial Team
The DSIM Editorial Team is a group of passionate digital marketing experts dedicated to providing insightful, high-quality content on the latest trends, strategies, and tools in the digital marketing industry. As part of the Delhi School of Internet Marketing (DSIM), the team focuses on delivering valuable information to help aspiring marketers, entrepreneurs, and business professionals enhance their digital skills. With years of combined experience in SEO, social media, content marketing, and paid advertising, the DSIM Editorial Team ensures that each piece of content is designed to educate and empower readers to succeed in the fast-paced world of digital marketing.

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