One of the biggest terms in the world of marketing is “Branding”. Branding is a vast term used to describe a product or service that has become something special, something distinct from its competitors.
Facebook has become one of the most significant brands in the world. The good news is that Facebook and branding go hand in hand. The closer your business is associated with Facebook the more your own brand will stand out.
This article will make you aware with the top 10 reasons for why your brand needs to be on Facebook.
1. Facebook is the most popular social networking site for marketers
According to the Salesforce report, Facebook is still #1 social platform for marketers in 2015. With 80% of marketers currently using the platform, not being active on Facebook is as like giving your competitors a golden ticket.
Marketers also stated that Facebook is one of their top 10 most effective channels, with 73% saying it’s very effective for marketing purposes.
2. Facebook offers opportunity for businesses who master the art of engaging content
The organic reach of a Facebook page post is at an all time low. While this may seem like bad news to most marketers, but it presents an amazing opportunity to businesses who know how to truly engage their fans.
3. Facebook has the highest conversion rates
According to Shopify report, Facebook leads other social media e-commerce traffic with an average conversion rate of 1.85%.
4. Facebook dominates social sales
An average of 85% of orders coming from social media is from Facebook. Industries that tend to be the most successful on Facebook include photography, sports, pet supplies, drop shipping, jewelry and watches. Facebook comes in strong at an average of $55 per order.
5. The majority of consumers prefer to connect with brands on Facebook
According to Edison Research’s Social Habits report, 76% of consumers want to connect with businesses on Facebook, compared to 10% on Twitter and only 4% on Instagram. Facebook is to have a gateway between your business and your customers that use Facebook.
6. Facebook is biggest influencer of purchasing decisions
Consumers are increasingly taking to Facebook to get opinions, feedbacks and advice for product and service recommendations. According to Search Engine Journal, 47% of Americans say Facebook is their #1 influencer of purchases, compared to just 24% in 2011.
7. Facebook has highest active users
According to the stats, there are now 1.44 billion active users on Facebook or you can say 1 out of every 7 human is on Facebook. No other social networking site even comes close to this.
8. A majority of marketers are planning to increase their activities on Facebook in the coming year
According to the 2015 Social Media Marketing Industry report, 62% of marketers plan to increase their Facebook activities in 2015. Marketers already making significant investments of time and money in the platform, an increase in Facebook marketing will only make the competition fiercer.
9. Facebook currently has 40 million active small business pages
Most consumers expect businesses to be active on a minimum of 3 social networking sites, and Facebook tops this list. It’s not critical to maintain at least a basic presence on Facebook.
10. Facebook continues to drive the largest share of social media referral traffic
Facebook continues to dominate Pinterest, YouTube and even Twitter in terms of its share of social media referrals. While all social media sites drove 31.24% of all referral traffic on the web in December 2014, Facebook alone drove nearly 25%.