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Are you reaching your content marketing goals? Without setting goals you cannot know whether whatever you are doing is working well or not. When you start seeing the needle moving in the direction you want to, then you know that your efforts aren’t going in vain and with time you will be able to smash your content marketing goals.

In this article, we have gathered up 10 hacks with the help of which you can measure your content marketing success rate and effectiveness.

1) Track Conversions

The metric to track conversion depends on your goals and niche. If you are able to increase your conversion rate, then you are creating the right content which is liked by your target audience. A conversion depends on the brand for some it can be a comment, a request or a blog post. Creating the right kind of content for your market audience leads to great conversion rate.

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2) Social Media Metrics

Social Media is the resource from where maximum of the traffic comes from. It has become the largest resource of data and so, it is one of the most important metrics you need to measure. Content is shared across different social media platforms to bring out maximum engagement and reach. There exist plenty of social media tools which can be used to measure social media metrics.

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3) Increased ranking

If you want to increase your ranking, then you need to keep a constant check on the quality and relevance of your content. You can easily track that how your target keywords are ranking on Google Search Engine Results Page. If you do not see improvement in your ranking, then your content isn’t working well.

4) Brand mentions

If people find your brand’s content valuable, then your brand’s awareness start increasing instantly. All those who like your content start mentioning your brand’s name. You can also search your mention on Social Media. And, you can easily track the mentions on your brand’s name online with the help of free monitoring service, Google Alerts.

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5) SEO metrics

Search engines consider a wide array of factors in the ranking of web pages. Your content should be original, high-quality and have been written after extensive keyword research. If your content marketing efforts are going right then your page authority, keyword ranking and Click-through rates increases automatically. So, with the help of SEO metrics which include (website rankings, page visits, user behavior, conversions and ROI) you can track your content marketing results.

6) Website metrics

The backbone of your website is content and maximum of it is web-based. So, website analytics play an essential role in measuring your content marketing success.  For efficiently tracking the success rate while measuring website metrics you need to keep all the essential factors mentioned below:

  • Time users spend on your site
  • Crawling rate
  • Inbound links
  • Bounce rate
  • Page views

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7) Leads generated

The main aim behind doing content marketing is to attract qualified leads which can turn into customers one day from prospects. Publishing content which is liked by your niche and target audience can help you collect qualified leads. To expand your content marketing efforts collect qualified leads.

8) Measure organic traffic from search

Organic Search queries bring a lot of people towards your content. Publishing high-quality content and marketing it at right places is very necessary to get the organic traffic to your site. With the help of organic traffic from search you can effectively measure your content marketing success.

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9) Increase in no. of Subscribers

If the numbers of subscribers are increasing on your blog, then your content marketing is bringing in the right traffic for you. Building a loyal list of readers is necessary to make sure that they revisit your site again and again. Increase in audience size also determines your success rate.

10) Measure the metrics of newsletter dropped through emails

Email marketing brings in the maximum ROI (Return On Investment) with content marketing. You can use your email newsletter to deliver the potential content in your reader’s inbox. It is considered to be a surefire marketing recipe for content marketing success.

Below mentioned are the metrics which help you calculate your content marketing efforts:

  • Click-through rates
  • Conversions
  • Open rate of Emails

So, follow the above mentioned hacks to know that whether the content you are publishing and marketing is generating potential results for your brand or not? If yes, well & good and if no, time to change your strategy plans.

DSIM Editorial Team
The DSIM Editorial Team is a group of passionate digital marketing experts dedicated to providing insightful, high-quality content on the latest trends, strategies, and tools in the digital marketing industry. As part of the Delhi School of Internet Marketing (DSIM), the team focuses on delivering valuable information to help aspiring marketers, entrepreneurs, and business professionals enhance their digital skills. With years of combined experience in SEO, social media, content marketing, and paid advertising, the DSIM Editorial Team ensures that each piece of content is designed to educate and empower readers to succeed in the fast-paced world of digital marketing.

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